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  1. hi, this is a quote from a topic i made in ivao forum with no answer helas (maybe because it is not about the ivao pilot plugin) so i try my chance (?) here. here is the quote: i think the problem is that the upgrade modified something in x-plane but i dont know what. something related to the connexion because the plugin cannot find my plane location in the game. thank you for your help. loopylook
  2. well, in this case, i cannot help you. good luck though !
  3. one thing that i remarked is you are setting an CABIN ALT (4000 ft) that is not matching the altitude you want to reach (+9000 ft). this is how i do when setting CABIN ALT. once again, i'am not a pilot irl so i maybe do it wrong but still, i have no problem of press.: - on ground, i 'dump' the press. so that it matches the one of airport. - on ground, i set altitude following two rules: altitude between 0 and 10 000 ft, i set to the exact altitude (in your vid, i shall set to 9000ft if my finale altitude is 9000ft/qnh); altitude more than 10 000 ft, i set to max (=10 000 ft). i avoid to flight over 18 000 ft/qnh standard because of the permitted differencial (?), so i choose my flight level between FL150 and FL180, depending on the clouds and the direction (even or odd). for instance, my finale altitude is 16 000 ft, i set CABIN ALT to 10 000 ft. - after i 'press' (MANUAL CONTROL), once i am climbing, at about 3 000 ft/qnh, i set the RATE while looking at the CABIN RATE OF CHANGE IND. to 300fpm (thx to Intrance). at the finale altitude, i check again CABIN ALT / DIFF PRESS INDICATOR (page 34) and make sure the Inner scale is fine (<5.5psi). - when descending, i set the CABIN ALT to the altitude of the airport (destination) and see (i dont touch nothing this time !) if the CLIMB is changing (CABIN RATE OF CHANGE IND.) - once i am on ground at destination, i 'dump' the press. to match the one of airport. as long as you set the RATE while climbing, you dont need to worry about it. just only set the CABIN ALT depending if you are climbing or descending. now, its better if javier or someone else with more experiences will advice you.
  4. this is why you have to set it while climbing.
  5. the answer is:
  6. in page 44, you can see how fast you press. changes while you turn the RATE knob. (CABIN RATE OF CHANGE IND.) usually, i turn the knob on the right (following the movement of the clock) and i set to 1000 FPM for the rate of change while climbing (and not on the ground cause most of the time, nothing happens on the ground). once it is set, i dont change the rate anymore (maybe it is not the good way, but i see no problem until now).
  7. just a question: do you know what is the use for the RATE knob (see page 45 of the manuel/guide) ? i think the reason why your press. give you some headache is because you forget to set how fast the press. have to change. but i can be wrong.
  8. oh i see. thank you for the answer. nice works: i've got your crj-200 and T34C planes, and i dont regret it. the 64bits version discussion was a bit confusing but now it is clear.
  9. hi, sorry for my ignorance, i wanted to be sure about the 64bits version or the 32bits version: when you'are talking about the version, you are reffering to the OS version (windows 7 64bits for me, from my part) or you are talking about the graphic setting ? for your information, i'm running a windows 7 64bits in x-plane 9.7, with a 1024x780 resolution in 32bits (graphic setting, in x-plane).
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