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Everything posted by Murmur1979

  1. I think most of these effects can already be changed using the graphics card control panel in Windows?
  2. Thanks for your answers Cameron, I find them really satisfying! Last question... Will using default engine model allow the implementation of a realistic start up sequence? Marco
  3. Hi Anton, Javier and Cameron This CRJ200 is gonna set a new bar for X-Plane (and possibily not only X-Plane) complex aircrafts. Although I'm aware some features are still to be decided and/or some of them you only want to announce at release time, I have some questions about the aircraft: 1) How close will the performance figures be to the real world counterpart? I take for granted the main performance figures (Vspeeds, etc.) will be very close to the real aircraft, so I'm mainly talking about cruise fuel consumption, climb performance etc. 1a) Will engines use plugins? I'm asking this in connection with question 1, since I think that X-Plane default engine model is not complex enough to give performance close to real aircraft in all flight regimes. 2) I read on a thread you're in contact with real CRJ-200 pilots. Will they assist in tuning the handling of the aircraft, or will you just use the flight model yield by X-Plane from aircraft geometry? 3) How deep will be the system simulation? For example, will the flight controls function according to hydraulic system configuration/failures, etc? 4) Will the avionics (flight instruments, etc.) be simplified or realistic compared to the real aircraft? I'm also aware these features can only be found on top-notch, high-price MSFS aircrafts (PMDG, LEVEL-D) and currently on any X-Plane aircraft, so if just half of them will be on your CRJ-200, it will still leaps and bounds of anything seen on X-Plane so far. Marco
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