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Everything posted by Daikan

  1. Daikan


    Yes, it definitely looks similar, e.g. no actual overcast, only cloud puffs. What's weird is that "Low" re-introduces the overcast layer, albeit only as a simple white, zero-thickness layer. Seems like "Med" completely does away with the overcast in this situation... EDIT: Looks like I wrongly assumed that "Low" had no opaque layer in my earlier post... sorry.
  2. Daikan


    With HDR off it is the same, except that the terrain is rendered "clearer" (e.g. doesn't gradually fade into the background as much, especially when seen from above the layer). Selecting overcast quality "Low" or "Medium" completely removes the opaque overcast layer (I can clearly see far away mountain tops during the same ascent as in the video) and only a few sparse cloud puffs remain at the layer altitude. Although I noticed the sky changes from grey to blue when I pass through it.
  3. Daikan


    While the overcast model is a lot better than in standard XP I noticed it struggles in situations where it's intersecting with the ground.e.g. mountains. I made a short video that illustrates the problem: I used all default settings, except overcast quality=high and god rays=off. It seems like when I'm inside the overcast layer any portion of the terrain that is intersecting the layer suddenly becomes visible while it remains invisible from outside the layer.My weather and rendering settings were as follows: Also, when I select "stratus" instead of "cumulus ocast (bumpy)" for the lowest layer I don't see any difference between overcast quality "low", "medium" and "high". All just create a zero-thickness layer at the base which looks rather unrealistic, especially during transitions. Apart from this, it is a *HUGE* accomplishment, congratulations! Finally getting rid of the dreaded "grey screen of death" was well worth the money in itself ;-)
  4. For some reason, reverting back to standard X-Plane clouds seems to be a non-trivial task... In my case I ran both the X-Aviation uninstaller AND the X-Plane updater (AND did a reboot) but couldn't get the standard X-Plane clouds back (all I got was clear skies, regardless of the weather). Then I realized there was still a folder "SilverLining" in my plugin folder so I manually removed it. That eventually did the trick... PS: I like the product very much, it's just that I wanted to go back to 'vanilla' in order to compare a few things ;-)
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