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  1. The CPU is not overclocked. There is only one XMP profile enabled for RAM which gives a lot of stability to the system
  2. You don't believe me. I haven't installed anything apart from the plane. Absolutely nothing. I've only calibrated the flight controls and lowered the monitor resolution. If anything has been added that could affect the rendering, it would be reflected in the file I uploaded. I'm not lying. Again, the problem is with your software, XP12 or both I resign. But I think it's a pity. I think it's one of the best aircraft (if not the best) currently out there for XPlane
  3. I've just done a clean install of XP12, i.e. completely uninstalling and reinstalling from the Steam site. Then I installed and activated the plane (version 1.5.2) and only the plane. I haven't installed anything else. The only changes I've made to the simulator are calibrating the flight controls and lowering the monitor resolution to 1920x1080 After this test (for me definitive) I see that the problem is not in the plugins or add-ons of other developers. The problem is with the plane, either XP12 has it or both. I don't know what it could be, but the truth is that if with a clean installation this fails... We're not doing well. I corroborate Stephan737's comments, that's the way I see it crashing on my computer. I will definitively uninstall this aircraft and wait for you or Laminar to provide a solution... if there is one. Meanwhile PMDG at MSFS Log.txt
  4. I removed the SimHeaven scenarios I removed the non-essential plug-ins I have put the real weather in manual mode I installed the aircraft update you released today I installed the latest version 537.34 of the graphics card drivers I do not know what else to do, other than go to another computer (not prepared) install everything again and try. I'm sure I'd lose the software licenses because of that. I really wanted this plane since you announced the update for XP12, but now after all the attempts and tests I only feel frustration I know from experience that no software is free of bugs or bugs ... But from that to not being able to use it? I know that it is not a problem of XP12 since other aircraft such as the 767 and 777 of FlightFactor, the 747-800 of VMAX or the SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 of JRollon, all of them complex and detailed aircraft, work with total normality. A shame Log.txt
  5. Is it possible to disable ATC?
  6. I currently only have the SimHeaven stage set for Europe. I will try with some airport in the US or Asia and I will also try to move the folders as indicated The hardware I use is: Asus WS X299 Pro i9 9820x 64 GB DDR4 - 4 channels EVGA RTX 3070 Which one can be the one that is limiting? I don't rule out an update
  7. Yes, I always have the real-time weather download option enabled. I will try in manual
  8. The problem arises from the external view (Shift+4) And it always happens Regards Log.txt
  9. Yes. Correct I have made several attempts only and only with IXEG and the same failure occurs FlightFactor's 767 also uses its own plug-ins, but these are not present when loading the IXEG plane.
  10. The same thing happens to me. In external view, during the taxi the sound disappears and xplane suddenly closes. He just doesn't respond. I have disabled some plugins such as Better pushback or Airport Navigator, but it still gives the same problem. Even so, it should work with all the pluguins because version 1.33 for xplane 11, works normally Log.txt Log_ATC.txt
  11. I have configured the simulator to work full screen, with the native resolution of the monitor 2560x1440 I don't see how to do what you tell me. That has worked. Although when the preferences dialog box is invoked again, it remains at the top of the screen. In any case, moving it by clicking on one side is worth as a solution, while that patch arrives. Thank you all.
  12. The top of the preferences dialog box is hidden at the top of the screen, making it impossible to close it. Is there a way to close it?
  13. These are the commands that are assigned. The commands indicated in the html manual can not be found in the keyboard configuration, anywhere: sim/engines // throttle_up (F2 key by default) sim/engines // throttle_down (F1 key by default) sim/engines // prop_up (F4 key by default) sim/engines // prop_down (F3 key by default) xscenery/mu2b60 // lift_condition_levers xscenery/mu2b60 // condition_levers_to_EMERSTOP xscenery/mu2b60 // toggle_emer_stop xscenery/mu2b60 // condition_levers_to_TAXI xscenery/mu2b60/toggle_both_emergency_stop // toggles both levers between EMER and TAXI xscenery/mu2b60/both_condition_levers_to_EMERSTOP // commands both levers to the EMER STOP position xscenery/mu2b60/both_condition_lever_to_TAXI // commands both levers from EMER back to TAXI What is Throttle 5? I don't understand what you're saying. Could you explain it in more detail please?
  14. I can't move it with F1 or F2, or with the joystick controller. With the mouse does not work either With the rest of the aircraft it works normally.
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