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Flying_pig last won the day on October 12 2018

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About Flying_pig

  • Birthday 02/17/1998

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    Milky way galaxy
  • Interests
    x-plane minecraft and building computers

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  1. Really high poly R-2800 (1,800,000 polygons atm)
  2. I forgot I had found a freeware ISS... little bit pointless but also a little bit cool
  3. More work on the huey I showed last post and here I am sitting with a single 670... well at least I have a render farm... EDIT: and
  4. Few things i've made Finalized that swordifsh render from before... And finished a project that I stopped midway through (but never showed anyone until I started working on it again)
  5. It could be done, maybe have some sort of randomly generated code that could only be used once and is shown upon starting the sim with the disk inserted, and then once the game is registered on steam it will then no longer show a code (and then if the code isn't used on the same IP address it came from it becomes invalid as well) EDIT: just saw bens post so nvm, still a interesting concept though
  6. Hopefully one of you guys knows what airport this sign is at
  7. On Final to KOSH And Landed Total flight time was 8 hours 3 minutes (with some serious speeding up on my part) and here was my flight plan TLH -> OSH (IFR)Est. Cruise Speed: 110ktEst. Fuel Burn/Hr 48lbAvrg Time per leg 1 hour 52 minutes 30 secondsFuel reserve 1 hourTL Route Length 893.1nmTL ETE 8h 7m Leg 1TLH -> DNN D 260.4nm ETE 2h 22mTotal Leg StatsDistance 260.4nmETE 2h 22m Leg 2 DNN -> SDF L 145.4nm ETE 1h 55mTotal Leg Stats145.4nmETE 1h 55m Leg 3SDF -> LAF L 115.5nm ETE 1h 19mTotal Leg Stats115.5nm ETE 1h 19m Leg 4LAF -> VYS L 115.5nm ETE 1h 3mVYS -> JVL 76.3nm ETE 41.6mJVL -> OSH L 84.5nm ETE 46.1mTotal Leg StatsDistance276.3nmETE 2h 30m I would like to point out my estimated ETE for the entire route was only 4 minutes off
  8. Some Shots of my flight across the US about 2 hours in flying over georgia On Approach to landing at KDNN (Dalton Municipal) which was the end of the first leg. btw this is the stock 172 with some heavy photo editing.
  9. This is a guide I made a while back for another forum and since it is useful I made a adaption for the X-Pilot Forum (ie changing the examples to X-Plane related stuff) Anyways here it is Introduction to BB code First off, as far as I know BBC code is not related to the TV channel. Now what is BBC code? Simply put it stands for Bulletin Board Code. This coding language is very easy to use and learn so this shouldn't take to long. How to add a spoiler Simply type the following [spoiler](text)[/spoiler]and you can achieve this however there is another way to do this[acronym="Hidden text"]HT[/acronym]just hold your cursor above the highlighted area and it will tell you what the acronym means HT How to add in videos and pictures this one is fairly simply. The first way to add a photo is simply to use the add photo button in the editor and copy in the image URL obtained by right clicking on the image and hitting copy image url. the second way is to type in the following [img=http://www.x-plane.com/wp/wp-content/gallery/week2/747_nose_up.jpg]this is the result the third way to add a image is by far the easiest and fastest. Simply right click on the image and click "copy image" then come back and hit "CTRL+V" and your image will automatically be inserted into the post (this does not work with status updates). To add in a video go to the video you want to add in and right click on it and hit "copy video url" youtube will then either display a popup with the url (in which case hit "CTRL+C") or will automatically copy the URL. then come back here and type the following [media][video url][/media]this should be the result How to add links the easiest way to add a link is simply to copy/paste a URL directly into the post and it will get auto formatted. know there is some other cool stuff you can do to make your posts look better. the first is attaching a url to text to do this take the text you want to add the link to then highlight it by holding shift and using the arrow keys or by holding down the mouse and dragging it over them. Then hit "CTRL+L" next simply copy the URL you want to link to into the box in the pop up and hit "ENTER" here is the actual code involved[url=http://www.x-plane.com/desktop/home/]Test Link[/url]result Test Link How to add in example code simply type the following [c.ode] (minus period) [/.code] (minus period) this should be the result
  10. Yes, crash X-plane (like use command prompt or ALT-F4) and you should see a nice little surprise waiting for you upon restart
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