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About ldts

  • Birthday 10/04/1974

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    Madrid (Spain)
  • Interests
    Real aviation, Flight Simulation, Music, Reading books

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  1. Well, problem solved, just add into bitdefender antiviurs exclusion list. Thanks
  2. Hi, yesterday i had to disable X ivap due to hard loss of frame rates when i tried to change the frequencie in the left comm radio on the pedestal, the problem is with the left dial, when i tried to change the comm frequencie with the left dial the sim, suffers a lot of sttuters and a hard loss of frames and the sim remains recalculating and the knob stays round and round i have to make a mouse click to finish the sttuters, but wiht right dial, it works normally. Thanks in advance
  3. Ok, I'll it take into account. Thank you for your fast support.
  4. Hi, after a new fresh x-plane, reinstallation, i got same results, only installed few pay ware crafts, no hd mesh and no Addon sceneries, in LEMD I got depending on daytime only 270 or 170 free video memory, and 7 or six gb of free vram, with the actual x-plane graphic settings, I have 900 mbs of video memory consumption.
  5. Ok I'll try a new fresh installation. Hope this helps.
  6. Same issue to me, i have an i7 3770k 12 gbs of ram and asus nvidia gtx 660 ti, 2gbs, and i got no more than 20 fps, the rendering settings of xplane says a 980 mgb of video memory consumption, and when i launch sky maxx pro config, it says to me that i have, only 150mbs of availiable video memory and sometimes 6 to 8 free ram, settings are set to low. I do not understand.
  7. Hey LouV, i´m a pmdg customer, since his first add on for FLYII simulator, anyone else knows about that flight simulator masterpiece?? this was the first simulator that allows to simulate an aircraft APU and FMC things, like MSFS doesn't have in these days. They were pioneers, in aircraft design and if i could remember, Robert Randazzo, and his team(Sorry if i am wrong) when they are not flying, They puts hands on hard work to design their fantastic B757 . Then all the team start to design for Msf flight simulator, but none of the actual designers (PMDG A2A etc) had that handicap with Fsx that was a FRAMERATE VAMPIRE, you still need a N.A.SA. computers to date, other designers yes had make port-overs to x-plane, that is not the case, i had been following PMDG since 1997, and trust me,they had good quality products. I am very surprised when, i load x-plane an select the DC6, and WOW, 45 FRAMES PER SECOND, I do not have a computer that were created by an ancient alien race, it is a normal computer that i can afford, no more that 1300 dollars, This designers never had maked a port over, the initial release of the DC6 has little bugs? how long they were late to made and update??? How many actual X-plane Aircraft developers, put an update in less than a week? i remember that a new v2 aircraft that has been released, has taken more than a year??? mostly of this aircraft systems has DC6 brand new, and a first in xplane circuit breakers, how many aircraft developers till now, had simulated circuit breakers, how many developers put a decent documentation in his aircrafts??. 1, 2,3, 5??? Mostly of times not all developers, frame rates problems. that is very important, frame rates. Fluid flight PS: With port over, I mean from fsx to X-plane So please give a chance to PMDG, They are pioneers in flight simulation. Like Charles Lindbergh or Amelia Earhart. Sorry for my English
  8. Hello Goran, i've been flying the virtual skies since Fs4, till i discovered x-plane and I remember, that 747-200, i just purchased from Vmax, and the name of the principal designer was Ralph Tofflemire, this was a piece of art for that, sim i think this was the first aircraft with a refuel panel and fuel jettison, very complex and a very detailed manual, ooops i've forgot, it has INS, She was pretty and flown like a dream. I' ll be a customer of your 747-200 for sure. Thank you very much, for your great product.
  9. I can´t wait for DC6 release. I Think the DC6 will be a Winner Aircraft for xplane for sure.
  10. Hi, PMDG has quality products, for FS2004 and Fsx . Remember Fsx is a frame rate killer. We have not forget that Xplane has a different better engine and flight dynamics than Fsx. And we have not forget ( i don´t know if anyone of you. remembers that PMDG`s first plane was a B757-200, if i could remeber for Fly simulator in early or middle of 1999 that was my first payware purchase. and it comes with fmc) 1999 aircraft addon with fmc, !!!!!!!!!! And we have not to forget. that to run FSX with an PMDG or A2A or Flight one addon you must have a NASA computer right?? And now i´m running xplane 10 wiht no more than 1400 bucks computer, with a very good frame rate for xplane with LES SAAB 340, or FJSIM 727. I do not want to spent 3000 or 6000 bucks in a computer to run any flight simulator, cause it is demostrated that with an medium range computer you can fly comfortable. They have developing since many years. I think we have to wait, and see what they offer to us, The begginins are not so easy for nobody right??? Regards
  11. Good morning, the problem is solved now, i was searching all the night in my plugins folder, and deactivating one by one, till i have discovered, that a plugin called noaweather was causing my problem: It is not gizmo problem. All is working very good now, Thanks for your help and fast support, next time i'll check more deeply. Best Regards Luis de la Torre
  12. Here is the log file. Thanks in advance, Log.txt
  13. Ok i'm not at home now, i send it to you as soon as i arrives at home. Thank you very much for your fast support. Best regards
  14. Hi, i have some troubles with xplane real meteo screen since i have installed your superb saab 340, when i'm try to select grab real meteo from internet, i got a screen flickering, and no way to select the screen,the only choice to select the meteo is throught the custom meteo screen. Thanks in advance. Best regards.
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