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Everything posted by crs

  1. Hi there. I have found that brilliant plugin few days ago. It brings new level of flying experience to X-Plane (for me). It is great fun to use it. It simulates ATC dialogues. Really nice feature is that it, while approaching an airport, gives you an option to choose runway you want to land on. If you are not lined up good enough with chosen runway it gives you STAR coordinates to follow. It also feeds your FMS with those informations so it is possible to use autopilot to take you there. Really nice. I just keep on wondering (as CRJ will have its own FMS implementation) if it's going to work with your plane Javier. That would be really nice for someone who does not fly good enough to join vatsim. Sorry, tried to stop myself from asking that question, simply couldn't resist. Any update on CRJ? Release date? New video? Just want to add: I will buy it for sure! Great job people. Kind regards, Kamil.
  2. crs


    Hi there, Thanks for such a great gift. Did land there few times and can't wait anymore to touchdown with CRJ. Nice work. Thanks a lot. Have a nice year chaps, full of happy landings. Kamil.
  3. Hi there, Sorry for digging it out. Just wanted to say “hi”. Have been registered here for a little while and enjoyed reading all the posted informations. Good job guys. Taking an opportunity I want ask you for one thing: *please*, do not let that site look like dotorg within the time. Is so messy over there. Regardless informations which can be found there, I am now talking about the layout and user-feel-experience. CRJ-200 - will be my first payware addon. Can't wait anymore. Happy new year and happy landings guys. Kamil.
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