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  1. yea.. im wonderin too!
  2. about my comment from before.. my computer is a really really old mac, and has a little bit of a hard time just running the jrollon crj... so i get a little bit of a low frame.... does anyone know how to get higher frames on x-plane 9? i wish to upgrade my graphics card.... but i have no idea how and what to do with all those kind of things.. but i mostly want to get my vram up....... anyone know how? i have a old/(i dont really know how old) graphics card, but its an ATI Radeon 9000 Pro... so if anyone can give me any information on graphics or anything.. or possibly a link to somewhere to learn how to optimize my settings.. please put it in a response.. THANKS!! Anyways, Michael, this is a great looking plane and i really wish to fly it..
  3. it looks great!! sorry i havent been keeping up with the forum.. but i have been reading all the progress.. and with school done for the summer, I'll be reading and posting a little bit more on the forum... BTW, how would the frames run on x-plane? would the 787 run like the jrollon crj? or something like that?
  4. WOW!! it looks absolutely amazing!! This plane might.. might change the world.. hehe..
  5. this looks and sounds like it'll be a great project.. soo, will it be freeware or payware.. if it were freeware i would be so happy, like this: :D:D:D and pay ware, i'd be like: ehhh..
  6. ikr... it would have been a great project.... man.. don't you hate those people that just cant think of anything better to do than steal or somethin... ugh..
  7. i know that all his projects are on hold... im just saying that he should take his time doing this project... and finish his others before that....
  8. haha.... but seriously, i really feel like you should finish the 787 or fokker 100 first.. but really, if you do start the md-80 while two other projects are still going, it can put some pressure... just take ur time
  9. This looks great michael!! can't wait.. just like for the 787.....
  10. i dunno... maybe..?
  11. oh.. okay... thanks for letting me know..
  12. ummm.. about ur delta livery, the asa one, the tail is for the new delta livery after they merged with nwa, and the logo on the front is from the livery before they merged.......... sooo, u might wanna change that, because with the letters at the front, they should either be the new letters or you might wanna change the tail to the livery before merge....
  13. I just read the entire thing, and i think its looking great!! I'm still kinda a newbie.. im more into flying than designing.... i don't think i'll learn just yet..
  14. that's so frickin true.... I cant wait just like everyone else
  15. right right.. i just forgot.. my bad!
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