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Darius Alexander

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Everything posted by Darius Alexander

  1. You never know though. Flight Factor was doing nothing but boeing for a while and then BOOM; Airbus.
  2. It's absolutely hilarious listening to you and Michael tell people to shut the F up all from the safety of your computers. I'm quite adamant you're only doing this because I don't know where you live, and I don't attend your school. You two arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous douche bags can keep throwing verbal barbs all from the safety of your computers. It's no wonder you two do so well in X-Plane Aviators. You two are pompous asses.
  3. He didn't ASK anything you pretentious douche. All he is saying is that he hopes you continue to keep up the good work because the more previews you release, the more excited the community becomes for the release of the aircraft. I can't stand how you think you're so professional with how you carry yourself. In actuality, you're FAR from it. I've seen users ask payware developers HUNDREDS of times when something will be released, yet the developers have NEVER resulted to vulgarity. If you wanna be taken seriously, you shoildnt ever speak with people that way. HOLY CRAP. What is your freaking problem? You think you can talk to people how ever you want to since you live a sheltered life, but wait until you get into the real world.
  4. All the rumors you've been hearing are NOTHING but baseless speculation. This is the same thing that was going on with the rumors about what Flight Factor was going to release next. Everyone kept saying that it was going to be a 767 since the 757 was so similar to the 767. Surprise!!!! It's the Airbus A350. I think at this point, it's pointless to guess because there aren't any educated guesses. For all we know, PMDG could be developing an Airbus A380 for X-Plane.
  5. Nice screenshots by the way. I'm now officially impressed.
  6. How else would you ask if it's done? Figuratively?
  7. I think the 777 is. Nice except for a few minor things: the windows are a bit large, the landing gear is a bit to large, and the wingflex is a bit excessive. I don't really notice all that stuff because I spend all my time in the cockpit and not drooling over how realistic everything looks while staring at the wings like some people (not you) do.
  8. More like the first to post about it.
  9. It's so awesome looking at how much our Facebook group has grown over the past year. I remember when we first started out as a little rinky-sink bunch of members. Now look at us; we're 1,000 members strong! To top it all off, I've just been notified that our recently released website is now featured on X-Plane.com. If that isn't inspirational, I don't know what is. It's just so awesome to see how an amazing simulator like X-Plane 10 can bring together different people from all over the world who share the same hobby. I'm so honored that I cam be a part of this amazing effort to educate everyone about flight simulation.
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  10. Now that Flight Factor is making an Airbus A350, maybe they'll make an Airbus A380 at some point. That would be an AMAZING add-on!
  11. Surely you haventhaven't forgotten how good their 757-200 is. It's much better than their 777. As Flight Factor releases more and more aircraft, they learn and each release is much better than the last. Don't be so quick to dismiss this one; I'm pretty sure you'll be very surprised with the finished product.
  12. Yeah! It looks awesome so far, and knowing the quality of Flight Factor's previous release; the Boeing 757-200, this is going to be AMAZING!
  13. To Navigate your way to exterior lights, Open "Plane-Maker". From there, select from the toolbar "Standard", the from the drop-down menu it shows, open "Viewpoint", then select "Ext Lights".
  14. I just went in and added my own lights after deleting the ones he placed in plane maker.
  15. I had HDR enabled. It's not what I was doing wrong; it's what Peter hager wasn't willing to do. He told me when I e-mailed him that the lights couldn't work because the aircraft wasn't optimized for HDR. If that's so, then explain why I was able to go into Plane-Maker and fix it myself. Only the Right landing light was visible. I asked him to fix it and he said he could not.
  16. I tried in the support forums, but I guess I could e-mail him directly.
  17. I'm pretty sure that other owners of this fine aircraft have also noticed that the only light that actually casts light is the right landing light. I was wondering if any of the owners or people who develop aircraft know how to get rid of the lights built into the objects so I can place my own lights in plane maker. If you all don't understand what I mean, I've included a .png file of what I'm speaking of. As you can see, the lights that are somehow modeled into the wings and gear show light, but do not cast light. I believe that the solution to this issue is the "Litcher-R.obj" file in the objects folder of each A380. I just sometimes wish developers would use the default things included with X-Plane. It would make things so much easier for us. I don't see any reason why X-Plane wouldn't be able to take care of the lights for the A380. Any help or advice is much appreciated.
  18. $47 is a good price for it. Not every aircraft can be priced at $19. I think that $47 is a fair asking price because they've put a lot of work into it. I hope you're not disappointing when the IXEG 737 will be more than likely priced at $60.
  19. Yeah....with Alienware, you're paying for the design and not the specifications.
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  20. Well whoever put that up has probably been banned by now.
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