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Everything posted by Intrance

  1. No, it's quite stable in real life, provided it is trimmed correctly. If you don't have bumpy weather and the trim is set, you can basically lean back for a bit and it will fly as though on autopilot.
  2. I saw the video in a thread on Avsim and posted this there, so this is kind of a crosspost. I added the bold parts for clarification as to where I'm coming from: And let me just say again, I will buy the addon and I mean this only as constructive criticism. Also, if I can help in any way, just let me know.
  3. At 1000' AGL you usually set climb power... Reduce torque until you get about 550C EGT (but don't go lower than 80%) and reduce RPM to 97%. Flip on prop synch if you want and reset power levers to get your desired rate of climb or max. 650C EGT. Climb speed should be 160kt IAS until FL150, after FL150 reduce with 3kt for every 1000ft. Then during cruise, just keep RPM 97% and temp below limits, or adjust for fuel economy . During summer, be happy to get above FL100 with max weight. In winter you can probably get up to FL200 without too much trouble. Service ceiling is FL250, but so far, the highest I have flown is about FL190 on a 2+ hour flight. Shorter hops (about 1 hour or less) are mostly FL130-160. In the summer this can give you about 1-5 minutes at cruising altitude . Also, for some very short hops (10 mins or less) we just fly at MSA. About T/O and LDG speeds: Depends on a lot of factors indeed. Mostly weight and and flap setting. My company has a quick reference on the checklists that starts at 5600kg which will give you speeds of 99, 101 and 111 (V1+Vr, V2 and Vy Single Engine). Up to maximum takeoff weight of about 7050/7350 (31 or 32), which gives speeds around 112, 115, 125. Vref for 5600kg is 101 (flaps 35) or 111 (flaps 20). During approach 130-140kts is a nice speed, any lower and in the real aircraft the controls will get a bit more sloppy.
  4. The mode selection buttons act as ways to activate the flight directors. It is normally the autopilot that has to be enabled seperately in these aircraft. Not a lot of J31/32's have autopilots. So far I've flown only one with autopilot. But yeah, you can't really have all configurations. A few I know of have a dual Garmin 530 setup. The ones I fly look a lot like the one you modeled in terms of instruments.
  5. That will be a messy startup if you don't unfeather the props . I'll buy it when I get back home in a couple of weeks, combo X-Plane + Jetstream buy .
  6. Is it an easy plane to paint? I can try to paint the regs I fly on and some others I've encountered. Besides that, it's looking really good. I think I'll have to go and buy X-Plane just for this .
  7. Yeah, it's just pretty minor things that looked a bit odd to me, but good to hear it's as real as one can wish for . If you need any documentation later on for the systems, I've got a Pilot's Technical Study Guide somewhere around here which I am in the process of scanning (lots and lots of pages, takes a long time and mind numbing work). I'd be glad to help out a bit. I also have some 19-seat configuration unused loadsheets as PDF files, might be a fun extra for people who want to make their sim experience as real as possible, haha.
  8. This is looking really good! Just a few things I noticed: - In the exterior model, the cold air intake under the wing... From earlier screenshots it seemed to miss the opening at the back, but that might just be the angle from which the shot was taken - In the cockpit, again, I don't know if it's just the angle of the shots.... the skirt panel seems to be at a way too sharp angle to the instrument panels. The rest all seems to be spot on, great work! Are you planning to include a 19 seat version as well? And perhaps a light color instrument panel? See (crappy) picture below.
  9. Beautiful work so far! I fly on a couple of these as first officer for a living. If you need any help/info, send me a message or mail to spam.adres.01@gmail.com. I don't know much about X-Plane as I rarely sim anymore, but this might get me to buy it, haha. So far it has gotten me to register here!
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