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Everything posted by princerose

  1. A request rather than a question. How about some pics of the cabin? I'm quite interested in all aspects of this product.
  2. I'm expressing these words with a quiet gentle tone. I'm sad to see that the excitement for this add on has turned into something so disagreeable. I personally am thankful to FS2XP for spending their personal time to develop aircraft for me to have fun with for free, especially the current b787 that they are working on. Our first instinct is to respond to something that bothers us, thinking that it will give us some satisfaction. Maybe it does some time but mostly it turns into something that should have ended a long time ago. Sometimes not responding will allow that little bother to be forgotten. FS2XP I will be patiently waiting.
  3. WOW!! I've traveled to Tel Aviv for many years. Your art makes me feel like I'm right there again. I'm beside myself with anticipation of your rendering of the great city.
  4. Hey Cameron, sorry for answering you so late. My operating system is Windows.
  5. No specific language and my decimal point is a dot not a coma.
  6. I too am having the same issues with the mini-gps.
  7. I'm so sorry that your Laptop was stolen Michael. I'm sadden because I can see that you really love what you do. Your fan.
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