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Everything posted by Michael_Chang

  1. Trust me, i never wanted to belittle your group, it's a good group, and there is tonnes of potential
  2. Ricardo, following a friend's advice, i'm sorry for picking out your ERJ in public, in the future, i'll provide criticisms in private rather than up front. Its not proper for me to pick apart a plane when i have nothing else anyways.
  3. Looks good so far, be sure to compare to real photos, best photos are often taken by yourself so you know what the angle of your lens is, also, i'd suggest merging the wing box fairing with the actual fuselage, it isn't easy, but the end result is a lot better.
  4. dude, i'm not trying to crush SSG and success for them seems inevitable... does no one understand what i'm trying to say? SSG is not a bad group, but their 170 needs improvement. that's the bare bone message here. the only reason this thread even got so much attention was because someone decided to launch a personal attack
  5. but wouldn't that only mean that it gets better for me? Especially since no dev wants to take help from me XD I encourage everyone to convince the original developers to make it better, because that way they can re-distribute for everyone
  6. Don't worry, you're first on my list to receive criticisms from, as long as you follow mine, you tell the problem and also list what should be changed to make the problem correct. To be honest, i can't wait to hear.
  7. DUDE you guys have so much praise coming to you already! does it really matter if one person decides to highlight the other side? FT56's review was mostly positive, and it overlooked a lot of areas. It does highlight what is good but it misses what is not right. Credibility doesn't make you right yet.
  8. Well i know you don't know this yet, but part of the reason i post out here in the public, is because i want to get people to think. I want people to think about what they can do to try and make a plane better. They may not have the knowledge required for 3D modelling, but resources for the testing and proving of certain errors (physical traits, some flight dynamics) are present all around. It's what i wish to see, people thinking about what the real value of a payware jet is and how much they can do to help the developers make it better. I know it seems a little backwards in logic, but x-plane has so much potential to be THAT much better, so I'm trying to get the general public to engage themselves in this process.
  9. I know, i'm a harsh person. but it's not that easy to change that about me, believe me, many have tried. I also feel that this criticism didn't offend or insult anyone, and that disclaimer is merely there because people think that i'm trying to attack someone by doing this. This post just listed the errors with the plane, It didn't attack the developers, it didn't insult anyone and I have clearly stated time and time again that once a plane is updated to my liking, that i would purchase it.
  10. All it takes is one screenshot to be able to tell problems. and if you must know, I used the aircraft at a computer sim club in school, the club head bought the plane and let us all try it out. I assure you, the systems are quite nice, and the cockpit is also incredible, but the exterior, as I said, is still in need of some TLC
  11. Kaphias is right, if someone has the knowledge but not the proper abilities to fix it, why can't they comment to make someone else's version better? It's like thinking "if these people don't know how to model as well as we do, then we don't have to listen to them about how to fix our planes"
  12. Look, this thread wasn't even meant to be a flame, just a critique. there are thousands of people in the x-plane world who praise and praise and praise, but i've never seen a criticism ever. Tell me, if one were to know a problem on a plane and report it, does it matter who that person is? If they know that this or that needs fixing, then why should it matter who's account it comes from. It seems that x-plane has an unspoken policy that if you can't do the same, don't say anything. I don't like that. X-plane should have a policy more like "if you know what to fix, say something", it's not like someone will take you out of you decide to post a criticism. And directly to Ricardo and the rest of SSG. i know you don't like me, no surprise there, but if say, another bystander were to tell you that these problems were present, would you launch a personal attack on that person? no. i don't think you would. So why does it make it okay to do that to me? I may be a pirate and a thief and a Mr. CTRL+C but if I know that there's something wrong with the plane, then why would it matter who told you? If I were in your position, it wouldn't matter who the criticism came from, if their information can be proven and backed up, I'd go straight to editing a mesh or tweaking something for the next update. Airbus, trust me, there's nothing i'd want more than to make a few friends here, but i'm not going to stop posting edits and reasoning with regards to all the payware aircrafts. People around here really need to start questioning the quality of a plane when it comes out, especially paywares and i don't understand why people don't do that. Tell me why I should put up with a plane if it has inaccuracies? Because I really don't see why I should. I'm sorry this thread had to end up like this, however I still feel that by addressing these issues of the plane, it will eventually get better.
  13. I agree that systems are important, but the standards for 3d modelling are equivalent to FS2000 most of the time. the only difference is that we use a million more polygons. I'm all for great systems. but on a payware plane, great systems should be coupled with an accurate exterior. When i look at this plane i see an ERJ-170 like jet, not the ERJ 170. x-plane has the capability and the know-how to create amazing aircrafts, such as the SSJ, and i wish more people would create that the first time around, instead of releaseing a half-baked parody of a plane and then fixing it after the release.
  14. I don't buy planes from people who decide to launch attacks on critics. Firstly, there is NO reason you can't listen to another person's criticism. if you built the plane using just drawings, no wonder it looks so off in certain areas. Trust me, While developing the Fokker 100, i found that using photos taken by myself work a lot better to produce results rather than using drawings. Your flight model may be fantastic, whoop-dee-doo but if you're not paying attention to the exterior as well, that plane won't get any better. I made this post hoping that SSG would be professional, and take this criticism to heart and make their plane better, but it clearly seems that all they want to hear is an endless river of compliments. Ricardo, do not let personal issues with a critic faze the advice given. Ricardo, learn to be a professional and take a little criticism, if you make a payware aircraft you can't expect everything to be sunshine and lollipops. and don't play the "you don't know anything" card, because I assure you that i do know a thing or two about exterior modelling and flight model development. and for the record, I do know how to create airfoils.
  15. okay i got a bone to pick with the -300 variant. Set your weight to MTOW. then laugh your ass off
  16. I will try to reach perfect, but perfect is quite hard
  17. Okay, so I just consulted some more images, and the innaccuracies of my Fokker are atrocious! So i've taken it on me, to completely re-do the interior and exterior portions. New windscreen location higher windows bulbous nose moved nose gear position A current shot of how the innaccuracies are being addressed. this system works quite well, as long as you know the viewing angle of your camera
  18. Stekeller's got others to do that for him, the rest of the community will praise, i'll offer criticism I don't usually offer up compliments and praise until a project is my standards, which is why i'm still pushing myself hard to get my own aircrafts up there. I do wish them luck in the payware world, but in general, i still hope that they fix the issues that i have pointed out. sorry Stekeller, it's not an attack on you or your group, i swear.
  19. Here's a first test of the 787's 3d cockpit, final approach into KMDW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2SZ5VkSpaA
  20. i know! i've been editing the radome significantly, and although it isn't perfect yet, i've almost got that bulbous shape correct
  21. Now i know people tend to argue in favor of flight dynamics in x-plane, but my view now, is that since we've perfected the art of flight models, then why can't we add that same level of perfection to the rest of the plane? The exterior is just as important as the interior in my view, and if I should buy something, it should definitely feature an exterior as super-accurate as the interior. it's great that they've ventured into this area of x-plane (payware) but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't immediately start looking for improvement. I don't intend to humiliate, and it is not humiliation to point out what they need to improve on. when the plane gets an update to improve these features, THEN i'll congratulate, and provide a new list of possible improvements. In response to Hobofat, i meant it as a comparison to their previous release, the 748
  22. I updated the nose of the Fokker now, here are some shots of the nose in progress
  23. NOW most of you know me as a person of particular cut-throatiness, and I'll admit, I'm a mean person > The EMB 170 by SSG.. where to start.. Well firstly I think for it's level, 30 dollars is a little too much... let's start with the pros: The aircraft flies nicely, the manuals and complexity of the systems add a new level of realism into flying the plane. The cockpit operates beautifully and doesn't damage my frame rates too much while flying, I'm a huge fan of their texture art inside the cockpit, as it really does add depth and realism to the plane. Flying approaches with this plane is simple and easy, the plane handles quite well, in my view. cons: I'm the type of person who really knows how to spot problems with a plane. Firstly, i have a big beef with the exterior. It's quite lacking in terms of quality. The shape of the fuselage from a distance can be loosely considered ERJ 170. The nose has too little definition where the cone meets the windscreen, there should be sharp edge there, as seen in these screenshots below. Another notable error is the nose gear and gear doors. Obviously, the nose gear is much too small, and the nose doors are much too large. the ERJ has more rectangular nose doors, and they should be narrowed and reshaped a bit. The nose gear itself is also too short/small, as seen in the real image, the ERJ tends to lean more towards the back of the plane rather than the front. The windscreen of the plane is on the large side, and should be narrowed down a bit. The wing box fairing is too defined, it should be more smoothly translated between fuselage and wingbox the winglets look like you stole them off a 737 and glued them on, they are WAY too large. Texture placement of the forward cargo door is incorrect location of the nose gear and right side forward door is too far back Windshield bars are too thin flap canoes are too rounded, cross section is too circular, it should be more rectangular I'll leave the rest to you, look at these two images and tell me what else can be improved. I also certainly hope, that in the future, this model gets updated. I know that modellers like Baber sikander are quite talented, and I want to see that talent more evident. All in all, its an okay plane, but i wouldn't call this payware yet.
  24. One of my favorite airports of all time, Kai Tak! I took some of my old FSX conversions out to Kai tak and flew them. Scenery is a conversion of the Fly Tampa Kai Tak scenery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxA69gIH254&feature=channel&list=UL
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