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  1. There is a replacement file at the org which resolves this annoying screeching sound. Just remember not to overwrite it when you update XP.
  2. One of my very favourite airports - tremendous work - thanks for the efforts! Would love to see a large European project (Heathrow??) after Hong Kong is finished.
  3. Hi All, I was wondering whether there is a fix for the ground handling issues I am having…perhaps due to my skill level but I notice upon landing that many 'heavy' aircraft feel/handle a lot lighter than they should and have a tendency to careen left and right on landing far too easily even with light/no (cross)wind. This is also noticeable on takeoff: compare a real life heavy aircraft cockpit takeoff video and the plane stays planted on the centreline on takeoff…with XP I find it a struggle to stay on the line and all aircraft have a strong tendency to drift left and right and one ends correcting/overcorrecting. Only exception I have found is the Q400 (only named for this particular reason)…it tends to feel like you would expect, 'weighty'. For reference i am using a logitech extreme pro 3d joystick and this may be part of the issue when making corrections (it being tricky to twist and move the stick at the same time)…but my main point remains: why do the aircraft behave so light? An example is the CRJ200 where the front bounces a lot on takeoff feeling like a GA aircraft. Thoughts? T.
  4. Yeah, it was this…seems to have a hard effect on my machine in certain areas and not so much in others. Anyway, I will have to fly without this…although I wasn't noticing major differences save for more electricity pylons etc.
  5. Hi all, In the last couple of weeks recently added SkyMAXX, headshake add-on and HD Global Scenery v2. Since doing so I have found fine-tuning my machine (2013 iMac 27" top of the range) much more difficult having settled my settings...and have several times either approaching airports or simply flying along had FPSs grind to a halt (1-2 FPS). Wondering if someone can help me isolate the issue? Is it the higher resolution scenery? Or maybe the cloud settings? My log text is attached and screen shot of settings. Thanks! Log.txt
  6. Hi Peter. Yes, I found the ortho imagery at the weekend and now fly with it. Fantastic scenery. Yes the vegetation makes parts of the apron look like the place has been abandoned…and when flying small GA the grass is coming up quite high! Look forward to the fix and will fly previous version in the meantime.
  7. Thanks Leen - very interesting - much of it above my head as I have only managed to make one small, basic scenery in my career which is not fit for release anywhere!
  8. Fair enough…understand what you mean…but they are able to get better exterior eye candy than most if not all payware authors IMO and I am still wondering whether they have a proprietary technique for doing it that others are not able to match or whether it is very labour intensive etc which make it uneconomic for small payware teams to achieve etc. Again, just curious and not stirring up a row!
  9. Harsh assessment IMO (although maybe they are overgenerous with the gloss)…care to name an XP aircraft which matches the detail up close? What floats your boat? Just curious...
  10. Have somewhat gone off commuter props since (1) was a bit disappointed with the Jetstream 32, and (2) I bought the Q400 about 18 mths ago and have not been able to get any support whatsoever to get it to run properly so it sits unused - very disappointing. Its a good time for XP with a number of payware models to choose from…I am being a bit more discriminating for the time being as I have limited resources! Maybe I will go for the Saab at some stage next year.
  11. Have had the ATR from this developer for some time. While the systems modelling is very basic it never ceases to amaze how good looking the aircraft is from the outside - probably the best I have seen (and I own many of the available payware aircraft). Anyone know if they are developing any more for XP? Also, what is their secret and why can't other payware developers match their external standards? Thanks!
  12. I downloaded this. I use XP10 but the scenery worked perfectly. My question is that I have a "version 3" from earlier this year which (in my opinion) looks better than the newly released version for XP9 (and which works in 10). For example, there is a lot of vegetation coming through the apron which I assume is intentional…does not look as good as previous version. Anyway, I hope you can clear up my confusion regarding version numbers! By the way, it is an incredible scenery and in my Top 5!!
  13. Is it my imagination or have the 1.1 version clouds become more transparent than before…seems like a disimprovement to me…just tested a few times so I may be wrong…is this how the FPS improvement has been achieved? If so, I prefer to go back to version 1 which looked better (again caveat that I have only tried on a few weather systems). Thanks
  14. Thanks for your efforts on this. A dramatic improvement to the XP world! A couple of things I have noticed: (1) the 'god rays' can be quite intense from certain exterior views (2) I took off from EICK and there was large individual clouds resting on the ground…this airport suffers from fog a lot but I have never seen large clouds at such a low level (3) I was fast tracking from EICK to EIDW using the 6x speed function…on setting back to normal speed about 5 seconds later my system crashed…this has happened before so probably not related to the clouds but can you confirm it should cause no issue for using this function? I have tried to upload some screenshots…do I need to have a certain amount of posts on the forum before I do?? Can't get it to work with basic or other uploader…frustrating!! Thanks!
  15. Nice find. I wonder what other foreign language websites there might be with high quality sceneries/aircraft? I just found the guys at lhsimulations (hungary)...whose website is in english also...not sure if the scenery files are up here or elsewhere but two of their sceneries are in my top 15 (free or paid).
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