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Everything posted by pilot006

  1. This fixed it! I had to click ignore like 30+ times and then it finished. I ran the installer again, it ran without issues, and now the G5s work! Thanks for the help. -mike
  2. Ha. I've seen that before with really long directory paths. Just dragged it to the desktop and tried running from there as an admin. Same error. -mike
  3. Just rebooted and the same errors. Downloaded it again and tried to run it one more time...same error. Installer is running as admin and my drive has over 400 gigs free. For giggles I even disabled Defender AV in case it was being a pain. Same error. I haven't been able to get this new installer to work at all yet. -mike
  4. I was running it extracted but I decided to try to redownload it, fully extract, and run the installer. Same error. You can see in file explorer that i ran this from my the extracted files.
  5. I just downloaded from x-aviation and tried to run the installer. It's giving an error about not being able to locate files (the ib:// is bizarre)
  6. I too am having issues after upgrading. Ran the upgrade, decided to remove gizmo as I'm not using it, and now I'm stuck with G5s that don't turn on. I did get an activation pop-up and did walk through it, and it shows as activated, but the G5s do not turn on. So while the installer hinted this should be seamless, there's something off I just clicked through and now have a not-functioning install. Let me know how I can help troubleshoot. -mike
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