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  1. How is this time from last session calculated. For instance, what happens with fuel if I leave the plane turned on for a couple of real days. Is this related to sim date?
  2. There are some more switches that act like that, where moving your mouse up they go down and viceversa. And duct monitor switch doesn't move, you have to click on the desired position
  3. Hi. For me, it closes but opens again when setting parking break to on.
  4. Problem solved by doing that. Thank you so much. Are those some kind of random errors? That was happening on a completely new airframe and right after turning batt master ON
  5. Hi. I get message when I try to turn on the APU. What am I doing wrong?
  6. thanks for the information
  7. Hi. is there any known incompatibility beetwen this plane and that DataRefTool? It crashed to desktop twice until I deleted it. Working fine at this moment but got a bit scared. And... My GPU is the GTX1070 8GB, by Asus. Drivers updated to date. Should also be fine for this plane? Thanks in advanced
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