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  1. Thanks! The G5 is working.
  2. Here is the log.txt. Log.txt
  3. MBPro M1, G5 does not come alive, it is just black. I reinstalled X-Plane and then the X-Aviation G5 product. On the X-Plane Plugins>X-Aviation>Show User Interface page I see License successfully Activated. Before reinstalling I have tried booting without Rosetta and found I seemed to still need that plus Gizmo to have the G5 working. So I thought to do a fresh install. I reasoned perhaps the install of G5 version 2.2.0 did not succeed in properly removing things no longer needed (Gizmo?). I am only looking at the Cessna Skyhawk (G5). I have a blank G5. The license is successfully activated.
  4. I've installed the G5 version 2.2.0. It appears that I still need to have Rosetta running with X-Plane on the Mac M1. Is that correct?
  5. Thanks for the reply. I found that when I hold the left corner as if to change the size of the pop up window and hold that, then the window slowly creeps down until I can grab the top middle of the box and put it where I want it. Grabbing the middle bottom seems to have not effect.
  6. The G5 is working. The pop out is partially showing, the top is cut off. I can grab the bottom corners of the pop out the resize that. But there is no place showing, like the top of the pop out, that can be used to relocate the window. The G5.cfg files says not to make changes there. How do I relocate the window so the entire displays showing?
  7. I am using a MacBook Pro M1. Five days ago I installed X-Plane 12. That runs fine. Next I purchased and installed the Real Sim Gear G5 Model 2.1.2. I used the RSGG5-osx-installer.app (dated Jan 29, 2024) to install the G5. Running this setup wizard installed the X-Aviation Cessna 172XP G5 folder in my X-Plane 12 directory. The X-Plane 530 and 430 both turn on and work but do not pop out. The G5 does not pop out, and does not turn on. I can Show clickable regions and see the power button on the G5 is highlighted so my expectation is that the power button should power up the G5. What do I need to get the 530, 430, and G5 to pop out and for the G5 to turn on and operate? This is a fresh installation.
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