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  1. XP11 aircrafts with weather radar: A319/320/321 Toliss, B738 Zibo, E195 X-Crafts, C208 Thranda, SR22 Torquesim, etc. I don't believe it depends only on Laminar for Hot Start to put a WX on the CL650, if all other developers have put it on their products. There is no logic in this. But, if you have no interest in delivering a complete product, I believe it is a lost cause.
  2. Let me understand: the cl650 was released for XP11 initially without the weather radar. So XP11 users have been waiting for this for years. Now, you say that you won't have weather radar for XP11. Sincerely? Lack of respect and consideration for all initial buyers. Hot Start's regrettable attitude. I will not buy any more products from you, as I do not agree with the company's disrespect towards its consumers.
  3. Does anyone know if there is a way to adapt, on the CL650 for XP11, the weather radar from another developer, since it seems that Hot Start is not very concerned with solving the problem?
  4. Thanks a lot, brother!!! The HotStart is a shame! The CL650 does not have WX, performance calculator and others.
  5. It's disappointing to buy an aircraft that the developer claims to be the most complete for X-Plane 11 (possibly the most expensive as well) and see that it doesn't have a working weather radar, performance calculator and other things that ALL other aircrafts have (even the freeware ones). I'm very disappointed.
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