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About fly

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Greetings. Although SMP it's a great piece of software, that in fact I love not just for the FR improvement over default's clouds, but also for its great enhancement of clouds' shapes and colours... at release 1.3.3 I am continuing in getting errors over a couple of very important aspects. Although they're primarily aesthetic or cosmetic issues, I still would love to see them hopefully solved. I am getting coloured prop_discs (that is, those imaginary disc that we see when props are spinning at so very high speed that human eye perceive only a disc, in fact), so that they appear blue-ish, most of the times, and they sometimes start to get darker and brighter in synch with aircraft strobes in some conditions. Furthermore sometimes prop_discs tend to disappear when saw OVER clouds layers. Both problems occur either with X-Plane default's prop_discs, either with custom prop_discs handled by plugins (mainly SASL, but I've seen others — Gizmo? — suffering as well). I guess the problem of brightness change in synch with strobes could be somehow related to strobe lights IN SCENERIES, that tend to show a sort of black gigantic spill when they go out (when they are turned off for that brief moment; please excuse my horrible english). These are the two main problems (apart from clouds' shadows that still do not appear on the ground) I am getting with this wonderful plugin system, and I'd really, really hope that one day will be solved. Because once solved, I think this plugin would be absolute perfection!! Thank you. Cheers!
  2. Hy, the problem with Orbit textures persist. It is possible resolve this bug. Thanks
  3. ;) thanks man
  4. You are the best developers for X Plane.
  5. Airone Airone :o
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