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  1. Hi, I have a problem with latest AIRAC navigation data Cycle 1213. I'm running 64 bit version of the CRJ200 on X-Plane 10.20b10. I replaced files in the CRJ folder with the files from the vasFMC Flightmanagment/JRollon Planes - native archive. In the tutorial flight from LESA to LEVC there are no active runways for LEVC airport and also no STAR. I have tried also LOWI to LKPR and also there are missing all SIDS/STARS in the FMC. There is also an another strange issue. When route LESA to LEVC is filled in the FMC, the first row from FPLN screen disappears after the EXEC button. So DIR --- UNSOL is gone and A33 --- CENTA remains. Another push of EXEC button recalls first row, but it disappears after few seconds again. LEGS screen contains all waypoints en route except STAR. What is wrong? Any ideas/help? Thanks in advance. Martin
  2. Hm, version 1.5.2 is broken for me again. dlerror:libGLEW.so.1.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory $ ldd libGLEW.so.1.5 => not found so, need to make a symlink: ln -s libGLEW.so.1.6.0 libGLEW.so.1.5 32bit libGLEW is a part of app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-opengl
  3. Thanks, I missed to instal emul-linux-x86-sdl on my 64bit Gentoo distro. Now I'm ready to roll.
  4. Bad for me. Plug-in fails to start. undefined symbol: alDeleteBuffers See attached log. Log.txt
  5. Tried many times. On different PCs with different unzip, 7zip, WinZip --- simply no luck. This is my md5sum 70f5cc74df6fd5ce0eba01880f888753 CRJAvionics-Linux-XAviation.tar.bz2.zip File got broken during download. Downloaded again with 64e4fbb5e18aa48c38a6346b8acab5ed CRJAvionics-Linux-XAviation.tar.bz2.zip This file decryption succeeded.
  6. For a sake... I checked spelling and case of those two words from the first line of the Safety Checklist and spent lot of time with that. Could You confirm me, that: C***** B****** is correct password? Thanks
  7. Hi, I used a name of the first item in the Safety Checklist, but no luck to decompress with unzip or 7z - still bad password.
  8. Yes, the plug-in is missing in the plugin menu. Log is in the attachment. Log.txt
  9. Hi, I have a serious troubles with the switches and buttons on the cockpit in the version 1.5 (X-Plane 10.10r3, Linux 64bit). I can't change a position of most switches in the cockpit. For example: BATTERY MASTER and APU GEN are broken, EMER LTS or PASS SIGNS are click-able and moving. So my CRJ is useless, even I can power plane up, when BATTERY MASTER is not responding. My X-Plane installation is a fresh install only with CRJ200 1.5 add-on - nothing else. Could someone help me? Thanks. Martin
  10. Hi, I have found amazing bug. When switched battery master in my CRJ-200 to on position, than MFDs are still blind, but trough screens of FMS is possible to see a runway below. Also cockpit geometry and perspective becomes crippled. When the battery master is switched to off position all return to normal. See the screenshot.
  11. Hi, I have also this problem. (see attached image). My system is running Czech locale (cs_CZ.UTF-8). I tried to switch to en_US locale by exporting LANG and LC_ALL variables, but without any noticeable effect. Boxes are still the, when navigation source set to the NAV1 radio.
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