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  1. could you do air pacific? This looks great!!
  2. I second the problem. I don't know how to fix it though.
  3. could you PLEASE make a United for his 772?!?
  4. wheres that scenery?
  5. lol okay. I don't think i did anything lol... can i fix it with planemaker you think?
  6. Okay so the first 2 pictures are the messed up landing gear of the 767. Can i fix this in planemaker? And BTW it hasn't happened on the PW AWL version (yet). It might be because I have done a flight with this already. I don't know. I noticed on the 777 that once i did a flight that went across water this happened. Might have been the same here idk. And lastly, I still can't find the artificial stabilizer(last pic).
  7. okay where is that? and one more question, suddenly my landing gears are above the ground again... any way to fix that in planemaker?
  8. I tried the GE version i think. And yes it's zroman's 767. I will be able to try other variants tomorrow
  9. First post on X-Pilot! Anyways... In 10.10b9, I tried to flare for a landing with the FSXP 767 and pulled my yoke all the way back and it was not enough, almost a crash landing. My joystick and all was working fine before I updated and re-calibrated, I previously had 10.05 RC. I tried landing with other planes and it worked fine for all, just the 767 was messed up. Takeoff was fine as well. I was landing with full flaps at about 144-146 kts.
  10. I can't get the plane to work in V10?!?
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