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  1. Hi everyone, For the purpose of training, I'd like to perform approaches on various airports without having to waste time doing a full flight from another airport. For instance, I would like to train myself for the VMMC VPT rwy 16 following an ILS rwy 34. To do so, I would like to be prepositioned a few miles before the FAF. Is it possible to do it? If so, how? Thanks
  2. Thanks guys for the tips. Just bought and installed WebFMC and it works great
  3. Hello, Does anyone here use Spacedesk to create an additional display? I installed it on an iPad 2 I don't use anymore to have a remote CDU. It works quite well with the native XP12 737 but not with the CL650. Actually, I can move the CDU to the iPad screen but then it freezes and I can't press anykey. I don't know if the problem is from the iPad which might be too old, or from the Wifi or even from the CL650 itself. So if somebody uses Spacedesk succesfully with a similar setup, I'm interested in knowing about your setup.
  4. Indeed this is the issue, there's no >Fly< button, only the >Enter FBO< button. The >Fly< button appears (as well as the #loaded tag) only if I go to the FBO first and then back to the airplane. But at least, it works and from here I can save or load a situation.
  5. Yes, there was (or is) a misunderstanding about the "loaded" status and I didn't actually remember having the #loaded displayed right beside the airframe's name. I thought I just had to select the airframe in the manager then go into the cockpit and start the airplane, but it doesn't seem to work like that. So, when I create a new airframe, I can't obtain the "loaded" status whithout going to the FBO first. Is it the way it should be done, or is there another possible way to load it?
  6. Hi, Demo tested, XP12 bought yesterday, installed today and no CTD anymore. I hope it will last this way
  7. Now, tested it is and it works!!! Thank you very much for your help. I will be able to go some steps further, maybe create some other part of the glareshield and for sure I will also try to go a bit deeper in the use of FlyWithLua
  8. You're right, today it doesn't work anymore
  9. OK, I will first make some research about FlyWithLua because I don't know it yet
  10. Hi, I had to reinstall XP and the CL650. Before that, I was able to save the current state in the Airframe Manager (allowing me to start my flight with the airplane ready for TKOF, or on final for instance), but now when I click on the save button, nothing happens. There is probably something I do or have done differently but I can't see what. Any idea?
  11. I don't how long it will last, but right now the CL650 works again with XP11
  12. I don't how long it will last, but right now the CL650 works again with XP11
  13. Thanks! I am downloading it at least to know if it works on my PC
  14. if I understand well, either I purchase XP12 hoping first that my computer is able to run it correctly and second that the CL650 will not crash again, or I wait for any hypothetical NOAA fix. So, very bad news, and as HeitorGoulart said in the attached topic "Oww so sad! But okay, thank you for your help!"
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