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Everything posted by GelbeZwei

  1. Hi Litjan, thanks for your answer. Really I have checked the box to start without engines running in the main menu of X-Plane, I will try it tonight and I will share the results. I think that the second reason is wrong becouse all other buttons and menus works fine.
  2. Hi all I have installed the IXEG 737 in my new PC and once activated I cannot set the aircraft in Clod&Dark mode. Other two buttons are clickeable, but Cold&Dark button (first in the left) no, nothing happens. All orher buttons and configuration windows works fine. Any idea? Thank you
  3. Thanks again for your answer Cameron. Gizmo is installed, I can see it in the Plugins folder. I know that X-Plane 10 is not a very new software, but it runs very fine in my old iMac and really with the IXEG 737 and some addons more I dont need X-Plane 11 or 12, maybe running an older installer of the 737? I know that that X-Plane 10 is out of support and really I am not looking for support but only fly the 737 like the first time I installed it. One more time thanks for your kindness.
  4. Hi Cameron, thanks for your answer. Order number is: 93327 Regards.
  5. Hi all. I have downloaded the IXEG 737 and I cannot activate it in X-Plane 10.51r2. I see the back of the head of the pilot and I cannot see the activation windows. attach the Log.txt if it can help. Thank you.I Log.txt
  6. Nice job, thank you very much.
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