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About timdickson

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. No problems. Thanks for the consideration / reply. TIM
  2. First.....congratulations on creating a fabulous simulation. Please could you consider; --using the tab key on the chapter list after the title page of the systems manual. Differentiating the sections by colour/ bold text is fine but would be helped further by laterally offsetting the type ie. tab. The systems document as a whole is great but this list is difficult to use. Even better would be having the document broken down so that you can use the PDF index to jump to a particular section. Jumping around a reference document is what I generally do rather than a straight read through. --can the Vref speeds be placed (or at least their position referenced) somewhere more prominent . This essential info is buried p29-30 "Charts" document. --please please can you provide checklists. The virtual checklist is great for initially learning where everything is but I prefer to use printed out lists when flying. Ideally concise and expanded. With the level of detail in this aircraft it cries out for a good quality expanded checklist; that is one with notes as to why your doing something / tips from real pilots. eg when the engines are starting which of the engine instruments should I check first fuel flow engine temp oil pressure ? Thanks again for a great aircraft
  3. So that would be an experienced aerospace engineer, and a skilled 3D artist working on this model all that's needed to make the collaboration near perfect would a professional sound engineer. Can anyone suggest they say hello to this guy https://sound4xplane.wordpress.com/. The only thing missing in most quality XP planes is good quality sounds.
  4. thanks for your impressions...TIM
  5. Can anyone who has used the XP10 beta demo comment on the turbulence. I own and enjoy XP9. One of the few gripes I have with it is the modelling of turbulence, particularly the turbulence hard coded with cumulus. The subject has been done to death in threads elsewhere. What I would appreciate is simmers opinions of the effect in XP10. Is it scaleable ? Is it hard coded with the cumulus clouds (ie if you set the scale to zero is it still present in and around them? Thanks for any info TIM
  6. Anything that doesn't require an FMC TIM
  7. Pro and Lite Versions: Lite—high quality flight model (first and foremost before even eye candy. Poor flight modelling and any illusion is broken), external model and 3D cockpit (some buttons clickable), basic x-plane autopilot. Pro---Accurate FMC autopilot, largely clickable cockpit, emergency/ failure modelling. I feel sorry for simulator developers; it is all about creating an illusion. Yet different things create the illusion for different customers. I speak for only myself but suspect I represent many (and if that doesn’t sound like the seeds of a developing delusional megalomaniac I don’t know what does!!) Some people who take a nice car to a “Track Day” get pleasure from knowing the systems, how to start the car and how to release the handbrake; others from trying to negotiate it around the track at speed, safely and in differing weather conditions. I have 30mins maximum on the computer and don’t wish to spend it all setting up an FMC switching on the hydraulics, fuel, electrics. Nor do I want to watch an airplane symbol follow a magenta line. I do want a challenge. How about trying to land a B727 in bad weather by hand with accurately simulated old style slow spool up engines, nice eye candy ( lovely external model, representative 3D cockpit ) and a talking F/O / FLT ENG. In summary I am with Warmbrak(thread-PMDG 737NGX released reply Aug 7). Don’t try and ape PMDG 737NGX (fine piece of software that it is.) Not because you can’t (because you can); simply because why would you want to. Should you feel there is a market then the two stage process as mapped out by Warmbrak covers all the bases. Just a thought.
  8. Thanks for the information. I'll try and fly it like the "in crowd", TIM.
  9. Also take the oppurtunity to thank "Tkyler" for his X-plane masterpiece !!! TIM
  10. Similar experience. (Using X-Plane 9.31 on 3ghz intel dual core running Vista64bit CH products flight stick pro + pedals). Both on the approach and some climbouts run out of pitch trim Would also be interested in the answer to ypur question from those "in the know". Being an X-Plane newbie I'd like to follow your example but slightly nervous twicking parameters in PlaneMaker! TIM
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