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  1. Man, I feel dumb. Thank you!
  2. Well I have a weird one. I've been away doing aircraft recurrent training and wanted to play with a few things we did in the real sim in X-Plane12. I did a software update for X-Plane12 since I haven't done one in a long while and I also downloaded the newest Navigraph data. Now when I try to load the 650 I get blank PFD's, MFD's and FMC's. I tried a reinstall of the Hotstart 650 aircraft and when that didn't work I did a complete reinstall of X-Plane 12. Please help, I have all blank screens. Neal
  3. It's a Display Control Panel Failure. I'm not sure what caused it. Here's what the QRH has to say about it. I would check that all your Displays Reversions are in the right place and all your circuit breakers as well.
  4. No worries. I'm new to multi screens. Just thinking I messed something up. I'm just happy I figured out a work around to add oil. Thanks for your help!
  5. I have the latest version of X-plane 12. I still have the issue. I'm not sure what you mean by "make sure the other one is set to unused in x-plane." I would like to fly with my 2 monitor setup up while I search for the matching 3rd. When I go down to just 1 monitor the oil service panel is sized correctly. So for now I can at least service the oil then go back to turning on the 2nd monitor in x-plane for a better flying experience.
  6. I'm having an issue with the popup Oil Service Screen and the Cockpit cell phone. They seem to be sized incorrectly and I cannot click on any of the oil service switches. It seemed to start when I added my 2nd monitor. Did I do something wrong? I can answer the cockpit cell phone when the FBO Calls but I have to click a few inches to the right of the actual button. All the other panels work fine like the fuel panel, fuel truck ect.
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