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Everything posted by fabiosko

  1. Today I update to 11.10b6 and flown without problem the flight that yesterday gave me teleport. I will do more flights in the next days, but since the teleport for me (I only fly IXEG 733) came out for the first time after having updated to 11.10b5, I am confident the problem could have gone. Crossed fingers! Any news from Ben Supnik?
  2. No way to reproduce it ;( Yesterday I succeed in flying the route of my first post in this thread without problem but today on my way back... teleport!!! Never had a problem with XPlane and IXEG and now I cannot fly any route in safe... very sad.
  3. I think there is some incogruence about SETAL... which AIRAC cycle are you using? I tried AIRAC1711 and 1709 and when I got teleport at the gate in LOWW, I had only Gizmo in my plugin folder. Right now I am trying this route and I inserted manually each point until DETSA then directly NIKMA (skipping each point of the "infamous" Y106) then normally again, inserting first airway then exiting point. Route has been plotted on PFM correctly, with magenta continous line. Hoping...
  4. Update! At the gate in LOWW, when I try to program FMS point by point, I get teleport when I insert any waypoint after NIVAS (sometimes CHI, sometimes DITUM). I inserted all as DCT, OSPEN, ABRUK, SETAL, DETSA, NIVAS then I get randomly teleport inserting CHI or CHI then DITUM. I also tried using and older Airac cycle (1709) but it is the same...
  5. Morten, attached requested files. PIease also note that I am using my personal settings files. Fabio fabio - Joysticks.prf fabio - Keys.prf X-Plane Keys.prf X-Plane Joystick Settings.prf
  6. Jan i found a little thing: the route after wpt NIVAS is no more magenta connected on my PFD. Infact the problem with teleport happens just before NIVAS. Please see attached pics. I entered the route both using attached coroute file and manually in the FMC. Maybe my teleport problem is related to this malfunctioning... Thanks for your support. Ciao Fabio LOWILIEE.fpl
  7. Tonight I tried again this route with a fresh install (http://developer.x-plane.com/2016/11/you-dont-need-to-reinstall-x-plane-to-fix-it/) and it happened again just between DETSA and NIVAS waypoints on the Y106. After that I tried the same route with the stock 738 and no problem occurred. The only difference in plugins used between the two situation was that with IXEG I was using Xsquawkbox on Vatsim, I don't know if this can cause the repositioning... I am going to try again without it tomorrow. Jan maybe with your experience you can individuate a possible plugins (SkyMAXX, MaxxFX, RWC, FlywithLua, Python) which can cause the teleport, otherwise I see a clear problem with IXEG... maybe I am wrong. Thanks for your support.
  8. Thanks Jan for your kind replay. I found also this: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/129622-magic-teleporting-x-plane-11/
  9. I don't know if it is a IXEG problem but flying the 737 over north Italy just north of Venice I found myself suddenly in Texas airport called E46, airplane crashes at ground. This is my route; OSPEN DCT ABRUK DCT SETAL DCT DETSA Y106 NIKMA T128 GIKIN L865 VALMA L5 TINTO Q710 GITRI Z924 ADRUX Q125 KOVAS Error is reproducible and happens somewhere after DETSA wpt. The scenery is missing since I do not have USA scenery downloaded: please see this part of log.txt: 0:57:10.143 W/ATC: Could not find an appropriate flow at LJPZ...attempting to autogen one on the fly 0:57:10.143 W/ATC: Adding autogen'ed flow AUTOGEN: North to the list for LJPZ 1:00:25.724 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_tak apt:E46 rwy:15 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +30-106 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +28-104 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +28-106 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +28-103 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +28-105 1:00:25.724 I/SCN: DSF load time: 51074 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+30-110/+30-104.dsf (0 tris) 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +30-104 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +29-106 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +29-104 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +29-105 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +29-103 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +30-103 1:00:25.724 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5066 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+30-110/+30-105.dsf (0 tris) 1:00:25.724 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +30-105 FlyWithLua: User switched to a new airport (or changed the plane). Script files have to be reloaded. Thanks for any help. Log.txt
  10. Sorry was a problem with new airac cycle 1613. Please delete my post.
  11. After installing RWC1.1 and SMP4.0 I cannot start Xplane with IXEG anymore. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Fabio Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  12. Thanks Frank for your kind answer, I solved the problem flushing the prefs. It took me only some time to set everythings (keyboard and joystick) back. Ciao
  13. Recently I am not able to start my X-Plane anymore: it hangs infinitely and when I hit Return it crashes. Attached log file, which is always is terminated at the same point: SkyMaxx Pro: METAR parser enabled SMPMetarBridge: METAR activation fired. --=={This application has crashed!}==-- Has this something to do with SMP? How can I debug the problem? Thanks for any help in advance. Fabio Log.txt
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