Hi Christophe,
I checked "Canada SAR" and it is OK.
Did you manage the find the error for this beautiful livery???
Can't wait for the corrected one... Thanks a lot indeed!
This video is taken with a new vanilla XP 11.41 only with IXEG, nothing else added and with fresh updated NVIDIA drivers to last version 441.66.
This is something happened to me too, during a night fly and your blue was in my case dark sky with stars.
I reinstalled and problem disappeared, but I got a new one, see:
Jan, this problem is driving me crazy!
Yesterday I installed a fresh new copy of XP and from old one I only copied plugins and linked the custom scenery folder. Problem persists!
Did not have time to test with Gizmo plugin only and default custom scenery only. Will do this evening.
What do you think? Thanks.
Deleting X-Plane.prf did not sort out the problem.
I am using X-Vision and a script to manipulate LOD (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/42097-i-lod-you/)
Yesterday I tried with original backup from XVision but it was the same odd behaviour.
Really don't know what could cause it. I was using also a modified lights.txt but i restored the original copy...
Please let me know if you have any other hint or test I should perform. thanks.