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  1. Thank you but the address is invalid.
  2. Thank you but I can't seem to locate any Discord for Hotstart - do you have the link for it please?
  3. Hello, On several occasions now, I have found the windshield has fogged up or frozen, and have been unable to see outside. I have worked through the icing procedures, but have had no success - only option is to fly at low altitude with above freezing temps. Tonight I was attempting to depart from KDLH and they had freezing temps with snow. I deiced as per normal procedure and ensured the icing system was working and turned on but the windshield would not defog or deice. Does anyone have any solutions? thanks
  4. Hi Cameron! im really enjoying this aircraft! Thank you to everyone behind the scenes that works so hard to make this incredible aircraft! How can I become a beta tester? thanks in advance!
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