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Tom Knudsen

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Posts posted by Tom Knudsen

  1. Cameron tipped me to ask you @Ben Russell if you might have an idea on my issue.

    Posting the issue here, in case others may have any solutions.

    Ok here is my drone specs


    Dji S550 Hexacopter Frame

    TBS Discovery 900kv v2 engines (same as T-motor MT 2216-11 900kv v2.0) 

    T-motors Carbon Fiber 10x3,3 prop.

    DJI Nasa V2 controller and Dji Mini OSD

    Tattu 4 cells - 6000mAh. (XT60)
    Powerfilter (not sure what brand)

    Dji Zenmuse H3-3D Gimbal
    Immersion 600mv 5,8 ghz transmitter with antenna
    Immersion RC Uno 5800 v2 reciever

    Reydymade RC 7" monitor


    Ok, so here is the issue?


    Normally, well in most cases 6/8 the flight is good, no problem. But I have had now two crashes that I cannot explain. The drone had two time now gone apeshit where

    it does a kinda backflip before it drops like a bag of potatoe and crashes. With the last crash it broke both my H3-3D gimbal (upper plate) and both my retractable skids, two arms and etc.

    Anyway, got most fixed, still waiting for some new parts and meanwhile try to figure out what is actually happening.

    GPS lock seems to be ok, 9-10 satellites is captrued and the drone seems to be hovering good, not drifting.


    Here are two films that shows FPV when these things are happening. The last one is the most recent and on that I did not even had a chance to fly.

    There should not be any interferance except perhaps the first one since it was over some houses. But the latest one far away from anything.


    The latest one:


    The very first one, which may show these strange backflips or such in sequence.


    So any idea why this happens?

    Can gust of wind do this? or could it be something with the GPS?

    Should be pretty normal setup!


    Thanks in advanced.


  2. Not sure why this happend, but think there is a small bug in Gizmo @Ben Russell

    Version 1.0.5 just updated..


    G64: 441.502: Trigger: ScriptedReboot..
    G64: 441.502: Run('OnBeforeReboot')
    G64: 441.503: GizmoCore::Stop()..
    G64: 441.572: GizmoCore::Start()..
    G64: 441.573: Boot Count: 5
    G64: 441.604: deployment.key contents:(062c01aa48d7774119bcddd6c28ace33)
    --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: Gizmo64}==--


    Included is the log file




    Hope you could look at it :)


    • Upvote 1
  3. Hi Jan

    In fact i could enter in the "SPD REST" for example 240/18000 as i was on cruise at FL350. I then had to press "EXEC". It seems that the FMC took it into account because all waypoints below FL180 were indicated with a speed of "230" (but why 230 and not 240?). But the "SPD REST" was empty again after having pressed EXEC. Not sure if this is like it should, since i know it for example in the 757/767/777 and for them it will stay written there.

    Thanks and cheers


    Same here, did try 250/10000 as it should be the correct value, and the plane should not exceed this speed limit behov i e FL100

    About the pressureization fail issue, in the picture you have the pressure panel set to ground and not flight.

    Looks like you are right, must be why then, did not recall this to be set, my bad

  4. Thanks for the extra information, i do however believe that in Norwegian they did set transponder to on before entering the runway and of immidiate after exiting. Need to check that with a friend that flew Norwegians 737-300

  5. Hi, first allow me to say the plane is getting there, with patch 1.0.3 it is a dream to fly, not had any soft or hard crashes yet.

    But there are some bugs or questions that make me think it is a bug I wanted to clear out so I can continue ejoying this excellent aircraft (best ever made)


    1. APU start with out fuel 

    - Manage to start APU with no fuel pumps on, normally the LEFT AFT pump is on before I start it, but today I descided to try without, just to see what happens

    Not sure if this is applicable to real life, but I do not think it would be possible to start APU without fuel, correct me if I am wrong


    2. Enroute to ENBO from ENVA today I had an MASTER CAUTION at FL330 crz level.


    I quickly scanned the panels and found an issue in the pressurization panel



    I began to wonder if I had an de-pressurization issue or a faulty system, so I started to read a bit but found only information on an NG system

    AUTO FAIL light illuminate if any of the following conditions occurs

    * Loss of DC power

    * Controller fault

    * Outflow valve control fault

    * Excessive differential pressure (> 8.75psi)

    * Excessive rate of cabin pressure change (+- 2000 sea level feet/minute)

    * High cabin altitude above 15,800 feet


    Now here is the kicker

    Moving the pressurization selector to the ALTN position extinguishes the AUTO FAIL light, however the ALTN light remains illuminated to indicate single channel operation

    Now where is this pressurization selector??

    I did not find it, so I just continued approach since the aircraft was flyable and I crossed my fingers that the passengers in the back still had hearing and enough oxygen

    Why did this happen, what do I do to amend this in the future and is this a bug?


    3. The Speed Restriction bug

    - Noted to day that I could enter speed restrictions and the page updates, but no value is shown after it was entered in, WPT could not be entered either i think

    DES NOW does not work (guess this feature is not implemented yet) and FORECAST I have not played with in this aircraft yet (does it work)




    4. CLB indicated bug

    Now during my decent  I pressed the LVL CHG and corrected for the speed, but I noticed that in any position of the descend profile the climb CLB was lit even though 

    the plane was descending as shown in this image, why?




    Well I ended up there I should and parked nice an quite into the gate at ENBO, except for the annoying SkyMAXX color I had an excellent flight with excellent performance (skymaxx) and

    with an excellent airplane (IXEG of course, not lost that is)


    Included is the log files I could find

    Cycle Dump.txt






  6. 7 hours ago, JRBarrett said:

    Some additional background on the TA/RA switch. (I am an avionics tech for a corporate jet operator).

    As long as the transponder is in "standby" mode on the ground, it is OK to leave the TCAS set to TA/RA. The TCAS processor is a separate unit from the ATC transponder. It has two directional receiving antennas - one on top of the fuselage, and one below.

    These antennas receive signals from the transponders of other other aircraft in flight, and the TCAS calculates the bearing, distance and relative altitude of airborne targets.

    The TCAS has no transmitting ability on its own. In order to send interrogations to other aircraft (known as "squitter"), the TCAS uses the transmitter portion of the aircraft's transponder as its link to the outside world. As long as the transponder is selected to standby (either manually, or automatically via weight-on-wheels sensors), the TCAS cannot transmit.

    In years past, it was always standard practice to place an aircraft's transponder in STBY mode as soon as exiting the runway after landing, and to not turn it on until entering the runway for takeoff.

    Now, however, many large airports with heavy traffic volumes are equipped with surface detection radar known as ASDE-X, which permits ground controllers to see the exact positions of taxiing aircraft, even at night or in conditions of poor visibility. At such airports, all aircraft moving on taxiways are required to turn their transponders "on", so ground controllers can see them on ASDE-X.

    In this situation, the pilot should turn the TCAS to STBY or OFF, to prevent it from sending squitter interrogations through the transponder, which could cause false TCAS alerts in other aircraft which are in the process of taking off or approaching for landing.

    Many aircraft are equipped with ATC control panels which combine both TCAS and transponder control in a single rotary knob - with transponder modes coming first, followed by TCAS modes.

    The control panel emulated in the IXEG 737 is one in which the transponder and TCAS mode selectors are separate.


    Thought I knew about transponders and TCAS, see now I didnt so thank you for this information, highly valued.

    So to sum up, the transponder in IXEG is set to Auto, does this mean its off on the ground and one should only set to stby when or if there is a ASDE-X function in use by direction of ATC?

  7. And you operate the Transponder with the standby-auto-off switch on the right side of the transponder. If it is set to AUTO like in your shot, the transponder will only start working if airborne...

    Thanks but I know how the transponder works ;)

  8. The list is getting smaller 

    1. Transponder selector is set to TA/RA at default cold & dark 

    - is this normal?

    I guess this will be catched on the checklist item "Radios, radar and transponder" but I think it is strange it is not in standby on ground initial startup unless some pilots have left it on


    2. VNAV Descent Speed is 6000+ feet per minute on descent

    - Had to manually overide this as I think passengers would scream  a bit

    If not a bug, when would the passenger start to scream (not that I want them to, but good to know the limits )

    Normally I do a level-change or in many cases a V/S speed between 2200-2600 depending on the profile, but I like to calculate

    Altitude current - Altitude scheduled times 3 = Descent rate

    So i.e. FL300 down to FL100 = 30000 feet which becomes 30 x 3 +5 for extra safety = So I need to start decent 65nm from the waypoint I want to be at FL100

    This gives me an descent rate of about 2200

    As you can see from this image the airplane chose to expedite the descent rate on LVL CHG




    Successful flight, so no logs are needed to include.


  9. I will try and remember to rewind the replay feature in xp if this happens again, as the lone survivor I was to shocked to even think of this at the time :P

    PS.. I attended an virtual funeral, but the really sad part was that nobody came to it, I was the only one there...

    • Upvote 1
  10. Now here is one bug I am not even sure is a bug. Wonder if anybody else have had this experience.. So I started a flight from ENGM to ENVA and got as far as takeoff, lined up at the runway and was ready to go. Then I did the normal takeoff, engine run up to 40% and TOGA, moved throttels into place and headed down the runway passing 80 knots, V1 Rotate - Looked down and saw the HSI was upside down??? Anyway since I was passed V2 I climed on normal trajectory runway heading. Pushing LNAV at 400 feet and autopilot at 1000 feet - But then within a second the the airplane did a 180 horisontal flip sending me into ground with the rest of the Norwegian passengers. Why did this happend, included is the log.txt - Not sure if it shows there






    Here some images from the airport, whilst it look good nobody knows what will happen next, including myself :P







  11. Quote

    I have never really deleted a coroute in the real FMS... not sure, but I don´t think the DELETE button would work. Conceptually it is just "triggering" a load process. Afterwards it is irrelevant... in our FMS simply type in the ORIGIN 4-letter ICAO again, this will clear the route.

    Ok, thanks Jan... Will check and test that one.. Perhaps it will work just entering a new company route too.. Anway, thank you


    • Upvote 1
  12. Dear guys

    Came accross a bug today and I tried to find some in the forum of similar art. But the closest I got was a thread about deleting vectors crashes FMS

    1. When entering a company route, it cannot be deleted by selecting DEL and the LSK2



    2. To try and remove this route, I tried to delete them in RTE without any luck


    3. I then went to LEGS page and deleted from bottom to top the fixes entered which gave me a soft crash on the last waypoint





    Here is the log.txt and Gizmolog.txt




    Hope this can be fixed, information about how this is done IRL would be nice @jan if you may :)

    Anway, adding a picture from last nights excellent full flight from ENGM to ENAL without any hickups, just a lovely ride




  13. I know that sir, anisotropic filtering eliminates aliasing effects and preserving detail at extreme viewing angles. But it also differes from trillinear and anistrophic where x-plane just have tha latter one. In anycase aa tends to prevent blur details, but in my example it does not. And the performance/memory hit is not recognized in X-Plane even though my Nivida is set to "application controlled". Did not try to change the settings in Nividia control panel, but I dont think that would make any difference. Not saying it does not work in game, but i for one cannot see the difference, so to play it safe I set mine at x8 whilst I see others have it at 4

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