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Everything posted by yezze

  1. **Thanks to all, I found the error, it was due to the XPUIPC, if you do it DEL the everything goes**
  2. Hello, and what is the name of the plugin? Or is it not allowed to read or write that here? **UPDATE** XPUIPC <---- DEL and is working !
  3. Hello, I have a problem, I can do almost everything with my TCA stick/thottel except give thrust, with other aircraft models everything works, can anyone help me.
  4. Oh, I must have overlooked that, thank you.
  5. Hello I have a small probelm , I have the 737 installed normally and also everything goes , but I get no menu displayed at "Ground Service" like refueling or PAX can someone help me , I also have a screenshot of it . I hope you can understand it my English is not good and this is google translator .
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