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Posts posted by lwilliams

  1. I have been considering signing up but the last few days I checked, the max number of people flying at one time has been six. Does not sound like busy skies. What draws you to it?


    Keith did a good job in describing it from his perspective, here is mine. If you like realism, the challenge of learning, this is your chance to do it.

    If you are learning the real rules of flying, this is an excellent chance to be learning in an environment that will promote this.


    The controllers are not only knowledgeable, but patient and helpful. The drones that are always present in Norcal and Socal always give you extra eye-candy and visual stimulus.


    Finally, and most importantly for me as a learner, this will become an amazing addiction to learning, conversing with others and meeting great, friendly people.


    Apart from that, try it and find out for yourself, you'll likely get hooked.



  2. I'm having a problem setting the Pilots head Dozer & as you seem current with Pilot view wonder if youve had it in v10.

    When trying to adjust the head settings eg. X1 I move my head to the position and it sets. However when I Tick X2 & move my head to the disired postion I only get the same reading as X1. The same happens with Y & Z--it doesn't matter if I stick my head on the wing or through the cockpit in X1, Y1 or Z1 the move it to the opposite extremities in either of the 2 positions the reading will only be a repitition of 1--??

    Consequently the head position becomes fixed as though it were tied by the neck!

    I have had this problem for months. I also would be grateful for a solution.


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