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Everything posted by Khêops

  1. They are going to build a new 747 from the ground. But i hope it will be the MD-11 cause it is a fantastic aircraft, and i am tired of all the boeings floating around.
  2. File Name: Colomban CriCri MC-15 File Submitter: Khêops File Submitted: 08 Apr 2013 File Category: Experimental X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 World smallest twin engine aircraft. More info and pictures at Aerosoft Sim News. http://asn.aerosoft.com/?p=21832 Hope you like it. Click here to download this file
  3. Version V1.0


    World smallest twin engine aircraft. More info and pictures at Aerosoft Sim News. http://asn.aerosoft.com/?p=21832 Hope you like it.
  4. eaglewing7 is right, Hawker Fury MKI. The "father" of Hawker Hurricane witch was called in the beginning the Fury Monoplane. It's not finished yet. But not so many weeks left.
  5. Had a little trip with the Fury around Brisbane.
  6. I have just got the export script/plugin for my 3ds max. But there is no tutorial or manual on how to use it. I just doing an experiment with a turbofan engine. I have got the fan blades to spinn with the engine rpm, but i had to go into the obj file and add numbers missing in the dataref sent from 3dmax. The fan blades also turns 90 degree so they are facing upwards insted of staying parallel to the nachelle. Don't know what is doing this. When i export without dataref it shows up like it should. So maybe an experiencd in this field could do a tutorial on how to use this plugin. Thanks Rolf
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