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  1. I’m of this mind too. I’ve spent thousands on this hobby. I’m always willing to pay for devs works and don’t expect them to work for free.
  2. In my testing (4 bladed prop) , numbers seem spot on to me, performance wise. Test Conditions: -FL280 -40C (ISA at FL280) -ISA Barometric Pressure Throttle Max/Props Adjusted to 650C ITTs Results 280 KTAS/ FF ~400lbs. (Fuel flow is about 64lbs too low, pretty close though) I'm comparing my results to this brochure advertisement:
  3. One of my biggest pet peeves many developers don’t get right in simulating their aircraft. I really enjoy the 737-300, but the auto throttle wandering at cruise is so obnoxious with the throttles constantly wandering from 70% to max cruise N1, not to mention it makes using fuel calculations difficult as you don’t have a very steady fuel flow. Real autothrottles don’t do this. One of the things real engineers do to prevent autothrottle wandering is to code the throttle adjustments at cruise in relation to accelerations/decelerations sensed by the INS, NOT from an airspeed indication as airspeed indications can be too erratic. For example, if you’re using a PD controller with tied to airspeed error and airspeed rate, the erratic fluctuations of airspeed rate will mess with the algorithm where as a more stable rate input such as ground speed would be better to prevent over/undershoots of the autothrottle. I am by no means an expert in programming or aircraft engineering, but I’ve definitely seen the autothrottle wandering not be an issue with many of the 3rd party aircraft for X-Plane for a similar price point as the IXEG. Please consider fixing this issue, and help bring the plane from very good to great.
  4. OOTL, what is broken about the LNAV? I may hold off my purchase for these issues as having things working like this are a basic requirement for me to enjoy a module.
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