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  1. Revise Recording 1696185033_Recording2023-07-18145005recording2.mp4
  2. Hi Tkyler Its challenging trying to do it with just the mouse, Especially try to get the throttle to move. 1915722884_Recording2023-07-18135057.mp4
  3. I tried unplugging the TQ6 and trying it with mouse and it still did not start. Owen
  4. Good Afternoon, I have Virtualfly TQ6
  5. Good afternoon, I have tried to get this plane to start up for the past week and i followed all the instructions on the pdf file that i received from x-aviation and nothing seems to be working. Can you help me figure out how i can get this plane to start or is there a video or website that you can recommend? x-plane 12 Thank you Owen
  6. Hi tkyler, the engine not spooling up, Also how do you get it to track a flight plan using GPSS mode. Thank You Owen
  7. Hi, I have been trying start this plane for a week. I have followed the step by step instructions and I can’t get it started. Can anyone out there help. thank you Owen
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