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  1. (I bound a key to the gui menu and I'm able to make it appear that way, so it's not a blocker for me.)
  2. I just updated the aircraft to the latest version and can confirm I have the same issue, the left-hand menu doesn't pop out anymore for me. I'll try to restart etc and we'll see.. I'm on a 4k screen so I run UI scaling at 150%, but I tried toggling it between 100% and 150% to no avail. Also I don't see the IXEG menus in the Xplane menu, (looked under plugins.. etc, I don't see a way to force-bring-up the window, is there?)
  3. @tkyler Wow! Thanks so much for looking into this. You're absolutely right I forgot to mention that the Crz Alt was set in the Perf page. I work in tech and I know the pain of dealing with a bad bug report. Shame shame shame ding ding. Glad you found the fix and that it was ultimately simple. Looking forward to the next update and thanks for the workaround!
  4. I should add that I'm using the 2309 rev 1 Navigraph AIRAC cycle, if that affects anything. Though by that point I hadn't reached the point of picking a SID or STAR, was just plugging the single waypoint of the route (MIGLO).
  5. Steps (most of those are probably irrelevant): - Start at gate B19 at CYYZ - Cold and dark state - Start Battery - Connect Ground power and activate. Set IRS knobs to NAV - Enter Weight & Balance in the Xplane 12 menu (9000kg payload, 5800kg fuel), apply changes - Enter 47.0/23.9 in weight/cg - Enter 1 in fuel reserve - Enter 17 in Cost Index - Go to POS init page, Next page, Grab Left GPS coords, paste them in the align slot - Go to Route - Enter from CYYZ, to CYUL, Next page - Enter MIGLO as the only waypoint - Activate - Exec At that exact moment, see screenshot. The aircraft essentially crashes. The FMC starts displaying on the PFD, and becomes unusable without a restart. This has happened to me on 4-5 different occasions, though it doesn't always happen on this route. So I'm not 100% clear on what triggers it. But it seems to happen 50% of the time.
  6. Got it, thanks, I'll try rebinding the keys myself and disabling the aircraft overrides, that might help (fingers crossed)!
  7. Have you seen this issue reported at the sim level somewhere? I wasn't able to find anything about the issue on the Xplane forums either, and the Challenger is the only plane that I know that has these WASD camera movement overrides, so I haven't run into this problem before (even though it may exist).
  8. Also if I sit on the captain's chair, camera just keeps moving forward through the cockpit and out of the aircraft when this happens.
  9. Timestamp: 54m55s As I'm walking in the cabin, I'm holding a combination of W, D and right mouse click, and there's a brief stutter, then "Forward movement" becomes stuck. Even if I open menus, etc, it still keeps going. I try to counteract it with "S", but it only stops moving while I have S pressed down, as soon as I stop pressing it, the movement resumes. When this happens, the only solution I've found was to restart X-Plane.
  10. I don't believe I alt-tab while actively moving. I do usually have the rightmouse button clicked to move my head around. I'll upload a video of it happening, will be a few hours though to upload.
  11. The "condition" is that it usually happens when I'm walking near the cockpit area (to or from the cockpit).
  12. In flight, when walking around the cabin, especially with some condition I have yet to reproduce 100% of the time, a key stays "stuck". Sometimes it's the "forward" movement (W), I've had it happen with "right strafe" (D) as well. And no amount of changing cameras (Shift+1-9) stops it. The camera just keeps moving as if the key was stuck. I've tried minimizing the game, going to settings, I can't find what's causing it. In Windows, if I open Notepad, it's not typing the key in question (like spamming "wwwwwwwwwwww"), so the key is not physically or virtually stuck at the OS level, it's really just the movement of the camera that is stuck. I scanned the 24 pages of issues and couldn't find anyone who had reported this before. Am I the only one to whom this happens? thanks!, f.
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