Hello all, My dad and I are both new to X Plane, and aren't very good with computers. We got the wonderful C23 sundowner add on from X aviation, as we just got a Sundowner to learn on in the real world. The add on is great, but I'm probably doing something wrong. There is no sound at all when in the aircraft. I am running X plane 12, the add on states for 11 but seemed to work perfectly fine aside from the audio. Here is everything from the log that has to do with sound:
Loaded: H:\Launchers/steamapps/common/X-Plane 12/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/plugins/xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl (com.x-plane.xlua.1.0.0r1).
0:01:28.119 W/TEX: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/objects/iPad_Mini_NML.dds compressed texture used as material source
0:01:28.119 I/FMOD: Master bank Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/ Sample rate: 48000 speaker mode: 3 (2 speakers)
0:01:28.119 I/SND: This aircraft is using FMOD in PARTIAL mode.
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/sounds/doors could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/MIXING/INT_EXT_RATIOS
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/avionics/radio1 could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/MIXING/INT_EXT_RATIOS
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/sounds/doors could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/EXT/ELETRIC_HYDRAULIC/AXP_GYRO_START_EXT
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/sounds/doors could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/EXT/ELETRIC_HYDRAULIC/AXP_GYRO_END_EXT
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name env/rain could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/EXT/WEATHER/RAIN_EXT/RAIN_EXT_XE
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/sounds/doors could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/INT/ENGINE_INT/AXP_LYCOMING_INT
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 742
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/LEVER/AXP_TANK_SELECTOR has an invalid command trigger les/fuel/int/tank_selector_right
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 748
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/LEVER/AXP_TANK_SELECTOR has an invalid command trigger les/fuel/int/tank_selector_left
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 859
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/DIALS_ROTARY/AXP_GPS_dial_3 has an invalid command trigger les/C23/cmd/g430/comUp
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 865
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/DIALS_ROTARY/AXP_GPS_dial_3 has an invalid command trigger les/C23/cmd/g430/comDn
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 1184
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/BUTTONS/AXP_BUTTON_01 has an invalid command trigger les/C23/cmd/adf/test
0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name env/rain could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/INT/WEATHER/RAIN/AXP_RAIN_XE
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: One or more issues were found with this sound bank. Please check the Log.txt for more details.
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: env/rain
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: event:/INT/WEATHER/RAIN/AXP_RAIN_XE
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\2dtum6M9\0\x-plane\design\source_code\engine\sound\soun_fmod_container.cpp:215
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | One or more issues were found with this sound bank. Please check the Log.txt for more details.
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | env/rain
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | event:/INT/WEATHER/RAIN/AXP_RAIN_XE
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | (soun_fmod_container.cpp:215)
0:01:28.119 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If anyone could make sense of it and let me know how to get the sound back, you would make a retired airline pilot and his son very happy! Thank you.