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Everything posted by wc890

  1. How does updating the module work, if already purchased?
  2. So sorry to nag, but any updates? Been eagerly awaiting the xplane 12 version. Also, forgive me, but how will the update be made available if I have already purchased the module? Thanks and you do incredible work.
  3. Thank you much for the reply! I saw a forum post about the X plane 12 update being worked on, from November 2022, is there any word on when that update will be done, and if so how would I update the add on after already being downloaded?
  4. Hello all, My dad and I are both new to X Plane, and aren't very good with computers. We got the wonderful C23 sundowner add on from X aviation, as we just got a Sundowner to learn on in the real world. The add on is great, but I'm probably doing something wrong. There is no sound at all when in the aircraft. I am running X plane 12, the add on states for 11 but seemed to work perfectly fine aside from the audio. Here is everything from the log that has to do with sound: Loaded: H:\Launchers/steamapps/common/X-Plane 12/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/plugins/xlua/win_x64/xlua.xpl (com.x-plane.xlua.1.0.0r1). 0:01:28.119 W/TEX: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/objects/iPad_Mini_NML.dds compressed texture used as material source 0:01:28.119 I/FMOD: Master bank Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/ Sample rate: 48000 speaker mode: 3 (2 speakers) 0:01:28.119 I/SND: This aircraft is using FMOD in PARTIAL mode. 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/sounds/doors could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/MIXING/INT_EXT_RATIOS 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/avionics/radio1 could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/MIXING/INT_EXT_RATIOS 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/sounds/doors could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/EXT/ELETRIC_HYDRAULIC/AXP_GYRO_START_EXT 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/sounds/doors could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/EXT/ELETRIC_HYDRAULIC/AXP_GYRO_END_EXT 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name env/rain could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/EXT/WEATHER/RAIN_EXT/RAIN_EXT_XE 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name les/C23/sounds/doors could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/INT/ENGINE_INT/AXP_LYCOMING_INT 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 742 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/LEVER/AXP_TANK_SELECTOR has an invalid command trigger les/fuel/int/tank_selector_right 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 748 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/LEVER/AXP_TANK_SELECTOR has an invalid command trigger les/fuel/int/tank_selector_left 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 859 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/DIALS_ROTARY/AXP_GPS_dial_3 has an invalid command trigger les/C23/cmd/g430/comUp 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 865 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/DIALS_ROTARY/AXP_GPS_dial_3 has an invalid command trigger les/C23/cmd/g430/comDn 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: snd error in file: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd line 1184 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: The sound event event:/INT/TANGIBLES/BUTTONS/AXP_BUTTON_01 has an invalid command trigger les/C23/cmd/adf/test 0:01:28.119 E/SOUN: Param name env/rain could not be turned into a dataref! Event: event:/INT/WEATHER/RAIN/AXP_RAIN_XE 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: One or more issues were found with this sound bank. Please check the Log.txt for more details. 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: env/rain 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: event:/INT/WEATHER/RAIN/AXP_RAIN_XE 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: MACIBM_alert: C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\2dtum6M9\0\x-plane\design\source_code\engine\sound\soun_fmod_container.cpp:215 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | One or more issues were found with this sound bank. Please check the Log.txt for more details. 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | Aircraft/X-Aviation/Beech Sundowner C23 v2/fmod/LES_Sundowner.snd 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | env/rain 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | event:/INT/WEATHER/RAIN/AXP_RAIN_XE 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: | (soun_fmod_container.cpp:215) 0:01:28.119 E/SYS: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone could make sense of it and let me know how to get the sound back, you would make a retired airline pilot and his son very happy! Thank you.
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