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Everything posted by Blodhemn

  1. Hi guys I Bought and Installed Air Hauler, and after I finally got it working with a patch from Just Flight, It finally realises im using X-Plane 10, and finds the correct folder, howver it still thinks I have the default planes from X-Plane 9. Is there anywhere to get Brett Sumpters great looking Sea King and also any idea if there is a fix coming up for his Chinook? really want to fly Chinooks in X-Plane 10 & Air Hauler. Cheers guys Rob
  2. Strange that Graham does not have same problem. Is it a Graphics card related thing? Im using Nvidia GTX460
  3. Hi all, Is there a setting that I need to change to stop the ground being invisible at night. I can see stars and the moon through the ground whenever flying at night and its very off-putting. I still see roads, runways, traffic etc, but can also see straight through the earth to the stars and moon opposite, so looks like the roads etc are floating in space. Hope there is a way to cure this horrible bug. Cheers Blodhemn
  4. Can anyone recommend a good GPS payware or Freeware, as long as its compatible with XPX im happy.
  5. That only works the FMC. I am flying an aircraft that only has a GPS, as with most light aircraft.
  6. Is there any way to load my flight plans into the GPS in XPX? In FSX this happened automatically when you filed a flight plan. But I cannot find a way to do it in XPX. Manual only mentions how to use the Direct To function, but that is only good for putting in a direct route. Is the only way to use the GPS, by literally manually entering each waypoint as I go along? If so, is this another thing that will be updated at some point? as its a pain having to manually enter waypoints. Thanks in advance Rob
  7. OK, ran into MAJOR Bug. Everytime I try to run X-Plane now, it loads my default Canadair CL-415 in water, and then just CTD. Is there a way to reset the default flight? to try get around this,
  8. I can see people like myself that are coming over from FSX / FS9 to X-Plane 10, getting confused, and buying non-compatable addons. Everywhere I look for some new aircraft / scenery there are items that don't mention SPECIFICALLY whether they are compatable with X-Plane 10, they say something like X plane 9.?? + or they just say X-plane. I wish the websites selling the items would Catagorize stuff that is for X-Plane 10 to make it easier for newcomers to X-Plane like myself.
  9. Well, after contacting X-Plane.com ( and speaking to their support ) No one should be hearing AI aircraft, as it is not implemented ,and is not likely to be added in future either, which I think is a huge shame, as hearing all the traffic around you really adds to the ambiance. Ahh, well. I tried to download some additional aircraft and use the Batch updater in the Plane Builder program that came with Xplane 10, but it went through all my aircraft files no problem until it found a plane I added, and an error message popped up, saying it could not update it, and then CTD. Really looked forward to flying the Viggen, & Chinook. lol. I guess its too soon to be wanting some of my favourite aircraft. Already missing my Captain Sim C-130 Hercules, that was an amazing aircraft to fly. Really hope Captain Sim come over to X-Plane, and Hope we get FS Passengers for X-Plane too, as that was great also Really getting hooked on X-Plane so far, especially the weather, although a pain when following a flight plan and run into nasty storm, and cannot get ATC permission to vector around or over it, and when I do so without asking, i get the dreaded "Oy, your off course" repeat, repeat, repeat, lol. Thanks guys, glad I gave X-Plane a chance. Looking forward to coming months and hopefully some great aircraft. Want List so far Chinook Huey Viggen Gripen Hercules Dash 7 Cessna Caravan Sunderland Flying Boat ( My Grandfather was a rear Gunner in these during WW2 ) Catalina Flying Boat ( My Grandfather also flew in these during WW2, After the Sunderlands I Guess )
  10. Yes, but all ATC is repeating is that im OFF COURSE. That does not help me in the slightest, as I was flying Direct to EGOS ( RAF Base near where i live ) and was on course according to my GPS, so unless I missed a vector to the ILS, I cannot see why I was off course, but I got to right over the top of the airbase, and still he was saying I was off course, so in the end I got a message saying I had ignored him for too long, and ATC was stopping. And I just tuned mav to the ILS and landed. It would be handy if rather than just repeating im off course, it told me what heading I should be on. He still kept saying climb to 5000 too, even though I was over the base I wanted to land at, lol.
  11. I have a message coming up since the patch saying Error Loading Scenery Package... then says something about their may be some errors in the scenery? Scenery loaded fine before the patch. And have not noticed anything major wrong. But that error comes up everytime.
  12. Used to love the Dash 7 on FSX, would love to see that on X Plane 10.
  13. Another newbie question... If i missed an instruction from ATC, as it disapears so quick, is there a way to see a list of previous instructions, ( sort of a log book of ATC calls )
  14. Just the sound that is really bugging me now. Can everyone else DEFINATELY hear the other aircraft as they taxi or fly past your aircraft? I most definately cannot
  15. Cheers for pointing that out, good job I didnt rush and buy it
  16. Cheers for the quick reply Cameron 1 - already tried that, all that does is reset the aircraft as soon as it detects you have crashed and plane is wrecked. Can still fly / drive straight through other planes, trees, cars, buildings etc. 2 - look forward to seeing these improvements as at present, FSX is way ahead. 3 - All settings in sound settings are switched ON and the other aircraft are definately silent... wierd 4 - Look forward to seeing it evolve, as at present, FSX with Radar Contact etc, is way better. On a plus note though, I just managed to complete a flight with ATC after downloading patch ( patched to 10.04 beta 4 ) 5 - Will take a look at plane maker 6 - OK, thats fine. 7 - Its now available for X-Plane, and if its as good as it was on FSX, it will be awesome. http://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/xplane.html Thanks again Cameron Will keep searching for whatever is causing me the unresolved issues.
  17. Hi there all Im new to the world of Xplane, have spent so much on FSX, but XPlane 10 ( or XPX, as I prefer to call it ) looked damn good , so I took the leap. There is a couple of small things bugging me though, hopefully some people here can help me. 1 - Is there no Collision detection? I have planes going through each other, planes going through my plane, and i can fly straight through trees etc? Is there any way to turn collision detection ON? 2 - AI Aircraft... Whereas FSX had Loads of aircraft following real flight plans, ie, I could fly into heathrow and it was bustling with activity. Xplane seems dead. Am I limited to say 10 planes in my local vicinity? each one flying a random course. Or, is there a way to add in Proper AI Traffic that follow real world flight plans? 3 - The only Aircraft sound seems to come from my Aircraft. All the AI Aircraft are completely silent apart from their voices on ATC, Is there a way to enable sound from these AI planes, as well as other airport sounds etc. 4 - THE ATC, currently seems next to useless, I have not yet managed to complete one flight with ATC. I manage to get airborn, and follow initial orders, but then eventually cannot contact them, and they dont contact me. If I change to a nearby Approach or tower, I still cannot contact them. Also if im airborne and decide to get some guidance from a local tower or a Centre, i cannot contact anyone. I try filing a flight and it says for popup flights to leave the departure blank. I do that and still NOTHING, just the option to file a flight plan. Going round in circles. There is also no option to choose between VFR / IFR. 5 - Any way to change my pilots voice from a female voice? 6 - When I choose AI flies plane, does he/she simply fly a random direction? they certainly do not appear to follow my flight plan. 7 - I had REX, GEX, etc in FSX, Is REX as good for XPX too? as the weather does look good already. There was something else, but I forgot what that was now, lol. Sorry if that seems like a lot of questions, this Sim is AWESOME, but could be SO MUCH BETTER. Thanks in advance Rob
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