Well, after contacting X-Plane.com ( and speaking to their support ) No one should be hearing AI aircraft, as it is not implemented ,and is not likely to be added in future either, which I think is a huge shame, as hearing all the traffic around you really adds to the ambiance. Ahh, well. I tried to download some additional aircraft and use the Batch updater in the Plane Builder program that came with Xplane 10, but it went through all my aircraft files no problem until it found a plane I added, and an error message popped up, saying it could not update it, and then CTD. Really looked forward to flying the Viggen, & Chinook. lol. I guess its too soon to be wanting some of my favourite aircraft. Already missing my Captain Sim C-130 Hercules, that was an amazing aircraft to fly. Really hope Captain Sim come over to X-Plane, and Hope we get FS Passengers for X-Plane too, as that was great also Really getting hooked on X-Plane so far, especially the weather, although a pain when following a flight plan and run into nasty storm, and cannot get ATC permission to vector around or over it, and when I do so without asking, i get the dreaded "Oy, your off course" repeat, repeat, repeat, lol. Thanks guys, glad I gave X-Plane a chance. Looking forward to coming months and hopefully some great aircraft. Want List so far Chinook Huey Viggen Gripen Hercules Dash 7 Cessna Caravan Sunderland Flying Boat ( My Grandfather was a rear Gunner in these during WW2 ) Catalina Flying Boat ( My Grandfather also flew in these during WW2, After the Sunderlands I Guess )