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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Problem still occurs in the 1.4.4 :-(
  2. I can confirm, that this problem in XP10 occurs only within 20knots below the overspeed indicator - at framerates above 30 it seems to be idependent from the resolution-rate. but it's still not clear for me, why. i cannot see any aerodynamic reason for this extremly non-linear behaviour. the oscillations also occur, when you deploy flaps, when established on an ils-glideslope, and the current speed shifts into the 20kn-band below the new (reduced) speed-restriction, whis may result in missing the approach. an intersesting fact ist, that it is very easy to stop the oscillations manually after disconnecting the AP - imho this shows that the AP is involved in some way in producing the oscillations. when you look, what happens at the pitch-trim, during the oscillations, you can see, that the trim still pitches up more, when, the airplane already rises the nose - which is an indication for incorrect controller-parameters (not enough D-component in an PID controller). But, the most important question is: how does the real CRJ behave in this situation - is the simulation realistic?
  3. Thank you, Philipp, for the information! I am looking forward to the fixed windows version. EDIT: I succeeded now with TSL3A following your advice. But fms itself was unable to overfly the @D329N with wind of 30 knots from 10:00, so i continued the route with dir intc TSL. What is the range for hitting an overfly-waypoint? Stefan
  4. What happened to the HOLD-Page in 1.4.4? there is no more possibility to change hold-parameters. the LSK's for selecting a hold from the list are inactive.
  5. Hi Philipp, i have tested the route LOWK-LOWG with the 1.4.4 -> still the same problem! after passing (KFT) it jumps away 49 miles and keeps this distance all the time, moving away from the current plane-position. the problem at LGTS/TLS3A-departure has changed a little bit. the (600)-point now works correctly, but FMS overflys the @D329N without any reaction - i would at least expect sequencing of this waypoint, when overflying manually - the left-turn may be difficult to fly by the AP. i also failed to reintercept the fms-course after turning left manually. In the FMA the FMS becomes the active lateral nav-source, but does strange things, starting with a circle around @D329N. and then holding a 294-degree-course, which is the wrong direction...
  6. Sounds good! I am looking forward to the 1.4.4!
  7. When flying the route MKJS to MKJP i got strange data displayed on the MFD. There is a triple entry for MKJP with different distances indicated (MFD1.jpg). Are there now 6nm to MKJP or 13nm? I repositioned to MKJS and reloaded the plane, reentered the route MKJS - MKJP and got another strange display. it says, i would be 53 nm from MKJS - but i am actually AT MKJS - and displays two different distances to MKJP - 125nm and 173nm (MFD2.jpg). Next try: i go to LOWG and enter route to LOWK. CDU says 4500nm (!) (maybe this is the distance to the previous location MKJS, somewhere stored in memory), MFD lets me choose 100nm or 51nm to LOWK. In this case, the display looks nice after entering the departure ABIRI1G - but i would expect correct distances even before entering a departure. I noticed, that the MFD continued showing the old MKJS, even when i hat entered the new depature LOWG, and the old departure MKJS was cleared from the FPLN and the LEGS page - initializing problem? Any ideas, what's wrong here? Screenshots attached.
  8. Ok, no problem for me, when the FMS accepts this (and gets no troubles with it) - i've rememberd something from the vasFmc, where the airport-entries have a special status in the legs-page.
  9. there seems to be a bug in the PFD/MFD. the identification of ILS-localizers without frequency-paired DMEs is not displayed in the PFD, when the station is tuned. This may be tested at MKJP. when NAV1 is tuned to 109.1/IMLY (ILS CAT I offset-localizer without DME), there is no id-display on the PFD, but for the VOR/DME at 115.5 the ID "MLY" is correctly displayed. a similar situation can be found at MKJS.
  10. Now i found, how it works at the moment! It works different from the descriptions in the manual and in the tutorial - and different from the original Rockwell-Collins FMS to save a route 1. first type the route-name into the scratchpad first (no automatic naming as described in the docs) 2. press LSK5 - route is now saved, but no name displayed to load a route 1. type the route-name into the scratchpad 2. press LSK2 - route is now loaded, but no name displayed.
  11. Hi Philipp, together with the problems of the moving waypoints - described in another thread - i had problems with CTD's when programming holds. i could the not reproduce so far, but found a little testcase, which makes no practical sense, but can reproduce the CTD's from the HOLD-page. when you press the LSK6 in the situation, shown on the attached screenshot, X-Plane crashes 100%. Maybe the HOLD-page needs some additional plausibility-checks. How to create such a crazy flightplan? enter departure LOWG, destination LOWK, in the legs-page put LOWK into the scratchpad an put it over LOWG with the LSK2 (this should also not be allowed). it's not this nonsense-flighplan, i want to get work, but maybe it helps to find the reason for the random crashes from the hold-page. Stefan
  12. yes, i found this directory with some files in it - but with strange names like ROUTE NOT FOUND, INVALID ENTRY, ROUTE LOADED and so on ..... they all contain flightplans.
  13. btw. when i press LSK2 twice with empty schratchpad, it says first ROUTE NOT FOUND, then ROUTE LOADED ...
  14. no, i don't have a directory Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/CRJAvionics. i tried to create Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200/CRJAvionics/routes/ and save the FP again - but nothing changed.
  15. thx for the information. when it's a feature, it's ok :-) - but i could not figure out, that the IRS already was aligned, because i have changed the aircraft-position to another airport immediately before calling the INIT PAGE.
  16. When i save my programmed route as described in the tutorial on page 18 Fig. 35, no route-name is displayed. When i try to enter a route-name from the scratchpad by pressing LSK2 for recalling a route, i allways get the ROUTE NOT FOUND message. Seems to be a bug here.
  17. When i wanted to initialize the position at LEVC, i entered LGIK into the scratchpad, pressed LSK2, RSK2 as described in the tutorial. At this point i would expect an input-area at RSK5, but RSK5 remains inactive. A bug?
  18. Hi Philipp, thank you for your analysis of the problem - seems to be more complex than i thought. is there a similar problem with the ConstHdgtoAlt-points and will your solution solve my problem at the LGTS-departure to? Stefan
  19. seems to be the same issue as i have described in my post "missaligned waypoints". (LMT) is a dme-intersection waypoint as well as my "jumping" (KFT)
  20. now i tried the tutorial - it worked very well, except an CDT, when i played around with HOLD after the missed-approach-procedure. i also did some investigations for my problems mentioned above. the 2 Waypoints, that cause the problems are the (KFT) dme-intercept point at the GRZ1K-depature from LOWK <Sid_Waypoint ID="2"> <Name>KFT</Name> <Type>DmeIntc</Type> <Latitude>46.597583</Latitude> <Longitude>14.562320</Longitude> <Speed>0</Speed> <Altitude>8000</Altitude> <AltitudeCons>0</AltitudeCons> <AltitudeRestriction>above</AltitudeRestriction> <Hdg_Crs>0</Hdg_Crs> <Hdg_Crs_value>056</Hdg_Crs_value> <Flytype>Fly-by</Flytype> <BankLimit>25</BankLimit> <DMEtoIntercept>11.0</DMEtoIntercept> <Sp_Turn>Auto</Sp_Turn> </Sid_Waypoint> and the (600) ConstHdgtoAlt waypoint at the TSL3A-departure from LGTS <Sid_Waypoint ID="1"> <Name>(600)</Name> <Type>ConstHdgtoAlt</Type> <Latitude>0.000000</Latitude> <Longitude>0.000000</Longitude> <Speed>0</Speed> <Altitude>600</Altitude> <AltitudeCons>0</AltitudeCons> <AltitudeRestriction>above</AltitudeRestriction> <Hdg_Crs>0</Hdg_Crs> <Hdg_Crs_value>344</Hdg_Crs_value> <Flytype>Fly-by</Flytype> <BankLimit>25</BankLimit> <Sp_Turn>Auto</Sp_Turn> </Sid_Waypoint> it seems, these types of waypoints are not sequenced correctly by the FMS. when crossing the (KFT)-point, it is not sequenced (becomes from-point, grz would become to-point), but moved 49nm away (??). when continuing the route (with or without deleting the misplaced (KFT)) fms gives an unpredictable couse, drops the hold at GRZ and finally generates a scrambled flightplan. i did not test and document all the combinations of effects here. in the tutorial flight id did not find waypoints of these two types causing the problems. I have added two screenshots, showng the (KFT) on the runway and the moved point after crossing it.
  21. thx for the documentation-"link"! - exactly what i looked for. i'll try the tutorial-flight next weekend.
  22. i used vas- and wilco-fmc with msfs - but i will doublecheck if there is any vas- related plugin in my xplane setup.
  23. LOWK has no transitions. i cananot imagine, what difference it makes, whether there is a transition or not? the major problem is the restriction-waypoint, which jumps away unexpectedly - it behaves someway like a computed bottom of descend-point, which changes position with speed and descend-rate. btw. removing this point generates new unexpected effects. i did fly this route many times with vas- and wilco-fmc - never had any problems. maybe the crj-fmc needs a different handling-procedure, but i could not find it. could you make a short try pls, whith my simple flightplan (crz-alt is 9000ft), i've listed above? - the problem should be reproduceable. i had a similar problem at the TSL3A + transition TSL depature in LGTS with the (600) alt-condition-wpt. fmc never initiates the leftturn at the D2xx-wpt, but chases behind a moving (600)-point. btw: is there a detailed manual for the crj200-fmc available? (is it a rockwell-collins type?)
  24. thank you for the immediate reply! - yes, i entered the arrival with the transition GRZ. i have the screenshots if they can help, but they are about 5MBs
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