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Everything posted by MichaelV

  1. MichaelV


    Hello, i too purchased the new Reno scenery and seeing the screenshots it looks really great. But i have a big problem with the installer. First the download speed is incredible low (i have high speed internet access), no matter how i used the "throttle". Then, after downloading 9 hours the download stopped. So i relaunched the installer and started again. what i get is following Reno: How to install html = FAIL: Access Denied Same with the next points. That means, also for Reno.7z.001, z7.002 Access denied (those two files remained unfinished) Now it is downloading Reno : Reno.7z.004 with 63 Kb/sec and it tells me ETA 6.7 hours. Suddenly the throttle worked and the download was completed after 6 minutes. So, i have two unfinished files (Reno.7z.001, 002) and two finished files (003, 004). I tried to run the download installer again to get a complete version, but i only get for every file: FAIL: Assess denied! Does that mean, that you only can download once? thank you for your help Michael
  2. It is possible, but be aware, that you get a real framerate-killer (you get a huge amount of poly files, which x-plane draws above the world scenery) and you get very low resolution photoscenery (means: it start looking good above FL200). I would strongly recommend to build your own photoscenery with Psx ( www.photosceneryx.com ), because you can build your own new mesh and you get much better framerates even with high resolution ortophotos (i build my scenery with zoom level 16 or 17, and that works really good!) Try to do it by yourself!! Good luck Michael
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