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  1. Not sure what you mean by ‘X-Planes install path root.’ What should that be?
  2. Since I can't seem to get a response from the X-Aviation Helpdesk, I thought I'd try here. I recently reinstalled TBM-900 A/C in X-Plane 11, which now loads as expected. After start-up, however, the X-Aviation Licensing window pops up for Activation, but my email and password are not accepted. A secondary pop-up appears with the following message: "Could not save email data." This is a new development since the reinstallation. Any suggestions on how to correct the problem are appreciated. Thunderbolt Log.txt
  3. I was finally able to load the TBM-900 into XP-11. I believe the problem was associated with my version of the X-Plane.app in the root directory. Thanks for your insights and assistance, Thunderbolt
  4. Thanks for the reply, Cameron. I think I may have loaded an older version of the Log.txt file, so I'm providing the most recent version in this reply. Also, I'm definitely using my only version of X-Plane 11. I use both versions 11 and 12, but keep each on separate partitions. Please let me know if you find anything suspicious in the revised Log.txt file. Thanks, Steve (aka Thunderbolt) Revised_Log.txt
  5. I've been using the TBM-900 in XP11 since June 2022 with no problems—that is, until now. I recently reinstalled the a/c (several times now), but when I start a new flight, the TBM-900 does not appear anywhere in the Flight Configuration/Aircraft window as expected. I've been fussing about this for over a week and can't figure out what's happening. Log.txt and additional info are included in the files attached below. Any help at this point would be appreciated. Steve Manning Log.txt
  6. I keep looking for any updates on the release of the TBM 900 that is compatible with the release of X-Plane 12, but haven't seen anything. Where should I be looking for these developments?
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