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Everything posted by retiree_caf

  1. Air Driven Generator (ADG). When all else fails, this little guy will get you home....
  2. Phillip, where do I find the crash log files of CRJ700 ver 1.4.1? I am using Windows 7/64bit. I deleted and reinstall x-plane and CRJ-200 1.4.1 a few times over the past few weeks and still having crashes when using SIDs and STARs. Thanks Retiree
  3. Hope the folks can find the issue on 1.4.1 crashes using SIDs and STARs. I tried everything from re-installing everything and still have the crashes ((
  4. Thanks got them.. Was looking in the wrong folders..
  5. Hi Phillip, 1.4.1 also crashes on my PC (Win 7 64) as soon as I select a SID and when none listed, as soon as I select a STAR. I have no plug-ins installed except as loaded with 1.4.1. Could I reinstall the old version?
  6. I just bought CRJ-200 yesterday, and the ZIP folder did not include the POH. The other two manuals (Aircraft and tutorials) were the only two files in the folder... Asked x-aviation for the file and still waiting....
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