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  1. I have the same Problem also x-plane 12.0.8b1
  2. In my 737 i have no Speed Indicator if i run over 45 kts. Nothing happen. Only the red/white indicator moves to 60. Any Idea ?
  3. Me and some other user have seen a problem with the CRJ200 and SkyMaxxPro 2.1. The contrails don't look correct. Look at the screenshot. I don't know weather it is a SkyMaXX or a CRJ200 Problem.
  4. Thanks for that great AddOn. X-Plane is getting better and better.
  5. Sounds good.
  6. And here two shots from different angles. same situation. http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p781/D-ETSN/2014-10-2514_00_38-X-System_zps1938a3d7.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p781/D-ETSN/2014-10-2514_01_09-X-System_zpsf05b5bf6.jpg
  7. So here is what i mean. the staight lines at the bottom. And if i turn the sight arround the aircraft the lines also turns in the direction i move. http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p781/D-ETSN/flatbottom_zps1e99648d.jpg
  8. No i have no weather add on. i use the X-Plane wheather engine and use the real wheather download from internet option. I try to make a screenshot if i find this situation again on my next flights.
  9. Thats not what i mean. i mean that the clouds are flat if they touch the ground scenery.
  10. Hi. Someone asked this Question in another forum and got no solution. so i want to try it here because i have the same Question and no issue. Here the original Question. "I mostly fly only light aircraft and normally at low altitudes, say 500 to 1500 Ft and when the clouds are very low or a very low mist the clouds in SkyMaxx V2 pro have an awful completely flat bottom which totally spoils the effect. Is there any way to stop or limit this at least?. As I have never had this with the standard X-Plane as I suppose the clouds in that don't get to low or ground level"
  11. Yes it is Lugano from Aerosoft.
  12. I have now a Geforce 750Ti OC with 2GB an it runs perfect with HDR on and High Settings. Look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtSj-h6rTkU
  13. Hi ! I have the same problem with terrible textures in the cockpit. But only if i switch on the cockpit lights. Everything in my rendering settings is fine. Look at the picture i made. http://www.bilder-sp...-1337340197.jpg Thanks for Help Thomas
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