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Everything posted by PapaLazarou

  1. Happy to report that this device (the basic one - not the pro) device works brilliantly with XMidiCtrl. (I am not affiliated with Arturia in any way). Got one for a good price recently on a well known online shopping site to use with my Korg Volca's and thought I'd try it out. It has 17 endless rotary encoders, and 16 pads which are able to light depending on the status of the switch with datarefs (something the Loupedeck Live is currently still lacking). In some ways it works better than the Loupedeck Live, for example the rotary encoder issue I have with the LD when using the Just Flight C152 just works perfectly out of the box. It's able to store the configs on the device itself, so no need to have the software running (again this is better than the LD in this respect) and also hold multiple configs which you can recall from it's memory for different aircraft without using the software. It is a little big, and it's a shame the shift key function isn't able in midi mode to be able to create a secondary layer on the device to create another set of pads and encoders, but still - for the price I'm happy with it. I've ordered an overlay sheet from ebay so I can label the buttons. A thumbs up from me. I think my Volca's will not be getting a look in for a while! Cheers all. Alan
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  2. Hello Marco, Did you ever get to implement this? I an issue where using the rotary encoder continues to go down to 0 and up to 127 despite setting the min/max values. The issue I have is with an analogue HSI, it will only decrease the obs setting when the value is 63 or lower and increase when the value is 65 or higher. 64 is null. { ch = 1, cc = 75, type = "enc", dataref = "sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/hsi_obs_deg_mag_pilot", modifier_up = 1, modifier_down = -1, value_min = 63, value_max = 65 }, I'm on v1.02. Thanks! **edit ok I misunterstood the setting, it does work and limits my heading select to 63 or 65.. So not what I was trying to do. I thought I could lcok the CC values with this. I'll keep digging and see if I can work it out.
  3. PS I put my entire toml file for the G100 here (Apologies Marco It was meant to be in the Aircraft profile section - feel free to move it)
  4. This works fine for me: # L2 NAV Knob { ch = 1, cc = 45, type = "enc", mode = "range", command_up = "sim/GPS/g1000n1_nav_outer_up", command_down = "sim/GPS/g1000n1_nav_outer_down" }, { ch = 1, cc = 46, type = "enc", mode = "range", command_up = "sim/GPS/g1000n1_nav_inner_up", command_down = "sim/GPS/g1000n1_nav_inner_down" }, { ch = 1, cc = 47, type = "cmd", mode = "range", command = "sim/GPS/g1000n1_nav12" }, Then on loupdeck live you need to set Display Name: NAV Outer (or whatever you want) 45-LSB for Control 13 (again or whatever cc number you want just make sure the 1st line of the code above matches Mode = CC Set Value = 127 1-Ch. (note I use channel 1, the examples provided on github (before I saw them) are ch11 so don't get tripped up by this) This will change the big numbers Repeat this on another rotary dial for the small numbers, in my example I used channel 46 And then pressing the encoder button will be channel 47 (Nav will plip between nav1/nav2 On Loupedeck create an Midi actio Action 1 47 - LBS fpr Controller 15 CC Set 127 1Ch. Action 2 150 Delay Action 3 47 - LBS fpr Controller 15 CC Set 0 1Ch. Note the difference between action 1 and 3 here. The values for action 1 is 127 for action 3 it is zero
  5. XMidiCtrl.toml Hello Marco, First thanks for this wonderful plugin!! I have a Loupedeck live, and thought I'd share my X-Plane G1000 based on the Zibo 737 midi file by DINKIssTyle. There are some bits I need to tidy up at the end of the file but it's working a treat Thanks again
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