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Everything posted by mikced

  1. A quick question. Are roads identified as roads so that x-plane default cars traffic these in the photoscenery or do we have to be without traffic on the photoscenery roads? How about water, is the lakes, rivers etc cut out of the photos so that we get real x-plane water for these areas or are they photoscenery waters (just what is there on the image) Very much starting to look forward to my first realscenery purchase! Mike
  2. Thanks for your reply and great news with the high res area addons if the quality is similar to that in the two Arizona areas. mike
  3. As nice as this looks, it would be nice with some shots from 1000 to 1500 to really get the idea how sharp the images are. Sharp images from experience is extra important with city images that has lot of detail which is why I hope for addons to this product, for example the city of San Francisco with higher resolution. With that said I really look forward to Nor Cal, and even more so So Cal whenever that will be available. By the way the city of Los Angeles absolutely will need high res images or it will look very blurry. Very good idea to do California. As someone wrote earlier many fly online in the area. Any idea when we will see So Cal and some high res addon for Nor Cal (if at all) Thanks Mike
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