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Everything posted by honeycool75

  1. For some unknown reason today, I was unable to open APU LCV and ISOL. All other pre-start steps are fine, APU gen on, AC/DC, hydraulics are all normal. Does that mean something went wrong? If yes, how do I fix the 2 malfunction items? Thanks.
  2. No, I don't think I've pressed the TOGA again after take-off because I replicated the issue again.
  3. I know it sounds odd, when the before landing checklist is in progress, my hands are not touching any switches, i.e. the plane is still in full autopilot + ATS engaged. I replicated the issue again today, the FO will say "Set Go Around Thrust" and then ATS disengaged, thrust increases forcing the plane to suddenly pitch up.
  4. I'm getting the msg "Invalid Direct-to" even after selecting the altitude into the scratch pad. What seems to be causing this?
  5. Alright, I found the answer I think. After a quick route setup in the FMS, e.g. with departure and destination, the chart shows up perfectly in the MFD2.
  6. While preparing for landing, plane is still in autopilot "nav" or "approach" and ATS is still activated, I started the before landing checklist. Part of that checklist, the first officer performs "set take-off/go around" thrust. ATS will disconnect and suddenly airspeed immediately spools up, plane begin to pitch up caused by the increased thrust. As such, I'll have to manually regain control of the thrust levers, readjusted the airspeed and finally reactivated ATS. From what I've described, is that normal? This happens every time I start the said checklist. Thanks.
  7. Hi, Need some help, I have authorized XP11 to Navigraph. Avitab is displaying the chart with the moving plane correctly. How do I get the chart to display in MFD2/CCP2. My XP11 is without any plugins except for Avitab. Clicking on "Chart" doesn't trigger any error message, just blank. What are the other steps or pre-requisite parameters/criterion required to get the chart in MFD2 apart from authorizing Navigraph in XP11 which was already successfully done? Thanks.
  8. I've found the answer after experimenting with the custom CL650 flt_spoiler_up and flt_spoiler_down keybinds. It seems that either will require multiple key press to fully extend or retract, respectively. Since I'm using a throttle hotas with a spare lever axis, the default xp "speedbrakes" axis is my preferred choice - it serves the same purpose. Issue resolved.
  9. No, the keybinds weren't reversed. Then, I swapped the CL650 flight spoiler keybinds to the default XP speed brakes extend full and retract full, it seems to work - this time the lever goes all the way rearwards as expected. I still don't know what's wrong with CL650 keybinds.
  10. Hi all, After configuring the plane for landing with the ground spoilers set to "auto", part of double-checking - I've noticed that the flight spoilers can't be manually deployed/extended in full 1st screenshot vs in real life 2nd screenshot. I'm using the cl650/pedestial/flt_spoilers_up and flt_spoilers_down keybinds. Am I doing it correctly or can someone tell me what should be the right way of deploying flight spoilers? Thanks.
  11. What is "CLB power"?
  12. Thanks so much Pils and rjb4000, problem solved!
  13. Yes "HDG" will bring the plane back to the track but that won't auto navigate the entire flightplan unfortunately. Would you be able to describe how I could make LNV to become green again, e.g. which button or menu to click? I managed to do that once before but can't remember how it was done. I have read somewhere that the source preset to "FMS" should work but still without joy. Thanks.
  14. Hi, FMS configured with a flightplan, engaged autopilot + Nav but the autopilot isn't flying to the waypoint e.g. "DERBB" from my screenshot. It seems that I'm having difficulties trying to assign the correct navigation source. Also, I always get the green "ROLL" instead of "LNV1" at the top. Can anyone show me the correct steps to assign navigation source to PFD1? An illustration would be great. Thanks.
  15. I just loaded the CL650 in XP11 for the first time, entered FBO, I'm getting a weird texture blocking the flight planning room entrance.... Does anyone know what's going on here? ------------------------ System Info: Intel I9 11900K Memory: 64GB Graphics: Nvidia 3080 OS: Windows 11 Pro --------------------------- Thanks.
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