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  1. Yes Cameron, the missing Gizmo was the problem. I can't figure out how it went missing, as the aircraft worked well until that problem just happened!!! Cheers and thanks ChuckXpilot
  2. Ok will try that thanks
  3. The Electric crash bar will not stay in the up position. It returns to the protect or off position, preventing any further start procedures. I'm at a complete loss as to how to remedy this problem. Can anybody assist in this matter? Regards ChuckXpilot Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  4. Sorry, been away and will have to refresh by flying TBM again. Apologize for lateness.
  5. I've got probs operating elevation trim, flaps and mixture with both my Saitek control panel and keyboard. My Saitek mixture levers won't activate mixture control, so I've assigned a command to control mixture levers with a couple of my Saitek quadrant buttons. Elevator trim won't operate at all, and flaps operate before takeoff only, then cease to operate after takeoff!!! Also, this aircraft doesn't take off normally, it floats off the runway like a balloon! I'm on Win10 with 32M RAM Cheers ChuckXpilot Log.txt Log.txt
  6. Yes I cant control pitch trim with either my Saitek panel or the keyboard, so I'll try above suggestion re mechanical setting. I can control the flaps with either method as mentioned above before takeoff,, but once in the air, flaps don't operate at all! This aircraft doesn't have a normal takeoff, it floats off like a balloon! I just purchased this model on 'special offer', is it the latest version, or am I missing a 'fix' update. I'm using Win 10 32 RAM Log.txt Log.txt
  7. The rudder trim and elevator trim on the yoke of my TBM900 are inactive. Has anybody had issues like this after updating Nvidia driver to latest version 551.23 for Win10 &11? I'm thinking that could be the cause. Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.
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