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Titus Lu

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  1. The idea that X-Plane is dying is utterly ridiculous. If you are dissatisfied with it or feel that the developers haven't done enough, you are welcome to go buy Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 or Prepar 3D.
  2. Oh and also look at this: https://fselite.net/content/laminar-research-announces-new-x-plane-store/
  3. Do you mean the anti-ice toggle on a joystick? If so, then try manually de-icing the airplane. 737-300: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTG2utsqsPutq2vsibff30o8kHehKnfiOT4JQ&s
  4. I would say take a look at: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/209745-x-plane-keeps-asking-for-activation-key/
  5. @VirtualGAaviator I will agree with you. However, I was just posting my own opinion.
  6. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/profile/119-austin/ Austin Meyer's supposed account at the .org. If he disfavored the X-Plane domain name, then why would he be on there at all?!?!?! Plus, I have bought many products from them with no problem.
  7. I will also add my own opinion. I have indeed noticed much negativity about the .org forum, but even though people there may have treated you quite rudely, you just can't ignore the fact that much of X-plane's addons, support, and activity goes on at that website. So far, since 2021 when I joined the .org forums, I have had no negativity whatsoever there. I have done my business, posted comments, posts and files, and done much technical messaging. I feel that many people there are cordial and welcome talking to you while some people directly ignore you. BUT I still see more of the good. Just my personal opinion.
  8. Assuming you have a X-Plane.org account, here you go: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/86246-minihud/ I have never tried it before, but based on the rating, it works well. Other than that, there isn't anything default that can perform this to my knowledge.
  9. This aircraft is just marvelous. Very well done!!
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