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Everything posted by Adnane

  1. I have the same issue here! I guess because of the level 2 license check's failing. Sometimes when I reinstall the 737CP the registration works upon startup and the sounds work fine, but when I try to load a panel state or change a setting the problem occurs again, i.e level 2 license check failing + interior, exterior and environment sounds muted
  2. Hi Mr Kyler, Here's my Log.txt file newly generated after deleting the old one, starting up 737CP with Level 2 check failure and then shutting down the sim. As mentioned above, the interior, exterior and environment sounds are muted and even after pulling the slides to increase the volume, the sounds remain muted and the corresponding sliders are back again to full left. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts. I'm sure this will get sorted out... Log.txt
  3. Hi Everyone, I don't know if anyone still got a working link to the latest version of Gizmo64 compatible with X-Plane 10. I like to fly IXEG 737 in X-Plane 10 for its great flight model, especially when I want to hand fly it. Unfortunately the version downloaded by the 1.33 installer doesn't work and is not detected by the sim even if I choose the X-Plane 10 option and point to its root folder as required. Any help will be highly appreciated! Mohamed Adnane SALHANI
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