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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Livery recreating HB-IKS, a Challenger 601 currently operated out of Locarno airport LSZL. If you wish to remove the Switzerland flag from the engine cowling simply delete the Engines.dds file located in the CL650\liveries\HB-IKS\objects folder.
  2. View File HB-IKS Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery recreating HB-IKS, a Challenger 601 currently operated out of Locarno airport LSZL. If you wish to remove the Switzerland flag from the engine cowling simply delete the Engines.dds file located in the CL650\liveries\HB-IKS\objects folder. Submitter Tom3112 Submitted 12/05/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Livery recreating 2-MATO, a Challenger 601 formerly operated by Volare Aviation. Two variants are available for download: one with 2-MATO printed under the left wing and the AVIAA tail logo, and one without them to be used with a custom reg.
  4. View File 2-MATO Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery recreating 2-MATO, a Challenger 601 formerly operated by Volare Aviation. Two variants are available for download: one with 2-MATO printed under the left wing and the AVIAA tail logo, and one without them to be used with a custom reg. Submitter Tom3112 Submitted 08/31/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Livery recreating OY-CCH, a Challenger 605 currently operated by Flexflight ApS based at EKRK. Two variants are available for download: one with OY-CCH printed under the left wing, and one without it to be used with a custom reg.
  6. View File OY-CCH Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery recreating OY-CCH, a Challenger 605 currently operated by Flexflight ApS based at EKRK. Two variants are available for download: one with OY-CCH printed under the left wing, and one without it to be used with a custom reg. Submitter Tom3112 Submitted 08/31/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
  7. https://youtu.be/xv90cVLBLzA?si=rqbZvnfVf0q88PkK&t=615 At minute 10:15, although hard to see, you can notice that there is no frequency shown for the VOR apporach while in ILS approach videos the ILS frequency is shown. It might be down to a simple difference between FMC software version but I still find it weird that the FMC shows VDM and a wrong frequency right below it as that might cause some inadvertent mistakes in tuning the nav radios by the pilots. I know about entering a new ICAO but shouldn't the delete function work as well, or is that maybe just an NG thing?
  8. Latest NAV data installed, regardless the PES vor and ils have been there long before the february airac, the only one that is new is the TVS vor which has been added in june this year.
  9. If selecting an approach that's not an ILS, the FMS approach page will still show the ILS frequency and course. Tested with multiple airports: LIBP: Frequency for PES VOR should be 115.9 and course 219, the ILS frequency is shown instead, IPS 110.7 and course 214. LIPH: Frequency for TVS VOR should be 114.35 and course 061, the FMS shows the TRE ILS, freq. 109.3 and course 065 LIML: shows ILS frequency with RNAV selected. Cannot use Delete on airport icao in the RTE page to delete the current flight plan When selecting a de-rated takeoff the engine instrument display still shows TO, the correct de-rate is however applied and shown on the gauge.
  10. Copied, the performance software I'm using was giving me 105 so I automatically thought it was a valid value. Thanks for clarifying.
  11. I will try to reproduce later, I was trying to enter 105 as my V1.
  12. Apparently the latest update didn't fix the issue of the invalid entry when trying to input V1 manually, I'm still encountering this.
  13. @tkyler Would it be possible in a future update to introduce the ability to control pilot clients' volume like X-Pilot from the physical knobs in the cockpit? Thanks.
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